
if equity is everyone getting a go every day.. redefining public education becomes revolution of everyday life.. aka: global equity

(for perhaps shortest but a little more detailed versions of why the site: 1\ one page update in 2018 – thinking restate/update 7.18.. and 2\ short findings restate in 2019).. both say basically:


1\ undisturbed ecosystem (common\ing) can happen

2\ if we create a way to ground the chaos of 8b free people

about site updates: i (i for we) am adding maybe 0-5 pages daily.. and editing/remixing others ongoingly. they are all pages, not posts.. so not sure of a way for a person to see daily updates. which is kind of fitting. again like wikipedia. perhaps a resource.. but not intending to lead you somewhere..

more of a virtual model/trail of a person as they are noticing/dreaming/connecting/doing/being (aka: detoxing)

a model of one varying variety of what an app/chip/mechanism might create for/with a person, as they are ie: talking to themselves daily, following their whimsy. like a commonplace book. maybe. ish.

site as a modeling/prototyping of hosting-life-bits (app/chip output)

modeling (a nother way) toward a global leap where we just focused on listening to the itch-in-8b-souls.. first thing.. everyday.. and used that data to augment our interconnectedness.. we might just get to a more antifragile, healthy, thriving world.. the ecosystem we keep longing for..

what the world needs most is the energy of 8b alive people


like a (non-linear) dance of grokkings.. 

arzu journal


or a (less-orderly than Jerry‘s and Maria‘s and.. hlb trail ie’s) dance of a brain: 

site as my brain graphic



some latest pages/focus..

in regard to a nother way..

for 8b people to live/leap-to [a people experiment – rewire: ds\ni – ic]:

intellectness as cancerous distraction.. there’s a legit use of tech.. and we’re missing it.. ie: need means (nonjudgmental expo labeling) to undo hierarchical listening as global detox so we can org around legit needs

unjustifiable strategy and warning ness et al.. sabbatical ish transition

two books:

dawn of everything: ‘demolishing all the wrong stories of what we can’t do’ so we can get out of sea world; myth of normal: listening deep enough to hear/see our legit needs.. so we can org around them

on org-ing for necessities.. org around legit needs .. ie: a nother way.. via deep dive

imagine if we (could overcome) the death of us [slaves/whales = dead.. because st\ripped of context.. because any form of m\a\p] .. aka: gabor on addiction/trauma/needs

as if already free ness – graeber care/free law – graeber and wengrow freedom law – david on communism

itch-in-the-soulgraeber mechs to hear lawf & b & dm same law – decision making is unmooring us law – democratic admin

red flags – any form of telling people what to do et al will keep us (at best) at 100 flowers rather than all the flowers – any form of m\a\p

listen & connect – to get back/to non hierarchical listening.. voice.. via rock ness

virus ness: virus noticings; things supposedly impossible; to (virus) leap;.. safety addiction

literacy and numeracy as colonialism/control/enclosure

short findings restate

on ubi as planned obsolescence.. and rethinking cities

art (by day/light) and sleep (by night/dark) as re\set.. to fittingness

curiosity over decision making..(for me/us) the curiosity/experimentation we did was really about how to set people free.. and what we found was that curiosity penetrates deeper than decision making.. more of an offense/aliveness than a defense/responding (to a finite set of choices et al) and it is at this core where free\dom (getting/letting the whales out of sea world) can begin (again).. decision making’s finite set of choices are too entwined in supposed to’s

everyone in sync.. everyone.. sans control..aka: unconditional

imagine if our only label was our daily curiosity..  let’s focus on that data for a while.. let’s let go enough (embrace entropy/uncertainty).. to just see

thinking restate/update 7.18.. findings abstract

augmenting interconnectedness to get back to an undisturbed ecosystem.. ie: a quiet revolution

not yet scrambled .. perhaps what we’re missing is tech as it could be

healing (roots of).. via 2 convos [ie: hlb via 2 convos that io dance.. as the day..(aka: not part\ial.. for (blank)’s sake…)..  a nother way]

what is legible ness.. what is work ness.. who decides

making up money.. too much.. too little

holmgren indigenous law..listening to human nature et al.. eagle and condor ness time.. short\bit.. human\e constitution.. no train.. not voiceless..idio jargon

consensusemergence – territorial\ness – voluntary compliance

femin ism nessbinary ness – parenting – mowing the lawn

bend your earweb\ing – next l

on hold ness – interpretive labor

verifiability law – laws\ish

io dancerna ness – decision making – entropy – hosting life bits – dna\ness – calm tech

three ship\ables – w/self-talk as data – in the open via leapfrogging

systemicwww/ global systemic change (p1 p2 p3)

a nother way book/ site as an app-chip output/ rat park

short/(collection of intros)/let’s do this first: life/ energy

cure ios city – neighbor\hood (govt) – refugee camps

app/chip update ideas – document everything – jerry’s brain – other hlb trail ie’s

too much – what i’ve seen – 2 needs – science of people

a qr film – here’s the deal – what – model another way

naked streets

no prep


recent stream of consciousness –  [good-bye/hello/vulnerable/iterating]

what’s the deal ?

why not yet

city sketchup

iterations on the app

partial reading list – chronological order

storyboard – 2008 to present

____________ [note/update: on any links that don’t work w/wetpaint – change wetpaint to wikifoundry in url] ____________ ____________ ____________

3 ship  [a kids’ bookan app/chipan experiment]
short  [deep problem,simple mechanism,opensystem]
short bp
io dance/hosting life bits (blockchain/stack ness: replace server farms – chip energy efficient –dna\ness)
ps in the open (idiosyncratic jargon)
decision making/B redefined via self-talk as data
rna ness – entropy ness
on leap frogging – for (blank)’s sake
gupta roadblock law
calm tech