short findings restate

most of what’s in deck:

[short\est restate of findings-in-failings/findings-abstract.. from 5ish years of live people trying/experimenting with a nother way to live and then 5ish more years deepening that listening]

what we found/lived:

1\ an *undisturbed ecosystem (common\ing) is legit.. (can be true/actual).. if we create conditions/space/time where people feel free enough (unconditional – if we think we need incentives/reciprocity/et-al.. red flag we’re doing it/life wrong) to be true to themselves (which is what we focused-on/practiced/did in that 5ish years)

*‘in undisturbed ecosystems ..the average individual, species, or population, left to its own devices, behaves in ways that serve and stabilize the whole..’ –Dana Meadows

2\ in order for an undisturbed ecosystem to happen/dance/keep-on.. we need to figure out *a way to hasten detox and daily interconnectedness.. (ground the chaos of 8b free people) so that everyone is in sync (which is what we focused-on/listened-for/practiced/figured-out in the following 5ish years)

*find problems/desires/holes/missing-pieces/needs deep enough (found 2) to resonate with 8b people today.. and create a daily infrastructure (around those 2) simple enough for 8b people to be able to follow/live/be.. every day.. using tech as it could be (listening to every voice everyday.. ai as augmenting interconnectedness via nonjudgmental expo labeling)..


thinking restate/update 7.18

(for me/us) the curiosity/experimentation we did was really about how to set people free.. and what we found was that curiosity penetrates deeper than decision making.. more of an offense/aliveness than a defense/responding (to a finite set of choices et al) and it is at this core where free\dom (getting/letting the whales out of sea world) can begin (again)

decision making’s finite set of choices are too entwined in supposed to’s

we need to org around legit needs


(short summary)


1\ undisturbed ecosystem (common\ing) can happen

2\ if we create a way to ground the chaos of 8b free people
