carhart-harris entropy law

harris entropy.png


carhart-harris entropy law: entropy suggests a gradual deterioration of a hard won order.. it may be that some brains could stand to have a little more entropy not less disorders.. not the result of a lack of order in the brain but rather stem from an excess of order – robin carhart-harris


most of us bring a negative connotation to the term: entropy suggests a gradual deterioration of a..

h a r d   w o n   o r d e r

it may be that some brains could stand to have a little more entropy, not less

carhart harris suggests that the psychological ‘disorders’ at the low entropy end of the spectrum (ie: narrow or rigid thinking; addiction; obsessive compulsive disorder; depression; anesthesia; and finally, coma) are not the result of a lack of order in the brain but rather stem from an excess of order


from Michael Pollan‘s how to change your mind (on Robin Carhart-Harris)


robin carhart -harris and his colleagues have explored in an ambitious and provocative paper titled ‘the entropic brain: ..’ the question at its heart is, do we pay a price for the achievement of order and selfhood in the adult human mind.. the paper concludes that we do.. while suppressing entropy (in this context a synonym for uncertainty) ..

entropy et al.. antifragility.. et al


the article offers an intriguing graphic depicting a ‘spectrum of cognitive states’ ranging from high entropy mental states to low ones.. at the high entropy end .. he lists psychedelic states; infant consciousness; early psychosis; magical thinking; and divergent or creative thinking. at the low entropy end.. he lists narrow or rigid thinking; addiction; obsessive compulsive disorder; depression ; anesthesia ; and finally, coma.

wow – that’s huge

carhart harris suggests that the psychological ‘disorders’ at the low entropy end of the spectrum are not the result of a lack of order in the brain but rather stem from an excess of order


carhart harris believes  that people suffering from a whole range of disorders characterized by excessively rigid patterns of thought – including addiction, obsessions, and eating disorders as well as depression – stand to benefit from ‘the ability of psychedelics to disrupt stereotyped patterns of thought and behavior by disintegrating the patterns of [neutral] activity upon which they rest’

so it may be that some brains could stand to have a little more entropy, not less


‘it’s not just that one system drops away’ he says ‘ but that an older system reemerges’

yeah.. wow

already there ness


carhart harris argues in the entropy paper that even a temporary rewiring of the brain is potentially valuable.. esp for people suffering from disorders characterized by mental rigidity..  disrupting unhealthy patterns of thought and creating a space of flexibility – entropy – in which more salubrious (health giving) patterns and narratives have an opp to coalesce 

oh entropy et al.. antifragility.. et al

am thinking.. a case for no training.. ness

the idea that increasing the amount of entropy in the human brain might actually be good for us is surely counterintuitive

to me.. very intuitive..

most of us bring a negative connotation to the term:

entropy suggests a gradual deterioration of a hard won order,

the disintegration of a system over time.. certainly getting older feels like an entropic process – a gradual running down and disordering of the mind and body.. but maybe that’s the wrong way to think about it.. robin’s paper got me wondering if, at least for the mind, *aging is really a process of declining entropy, the fading over time of what we should regard as a possible attribute of mental life

i don’ think it’s a *process of aging.. i think it’s a process of living a life of supposed to’s.. only natural for ie: whales in seal world..



Shane Parrish (@farnamstreet) tweeted at 5:02 AM – 26 Nov 2018 :
Battling Entropy: Making Order of the Chaos in Our Lives (

“The … ultimate purpose of life, mind, and human striving: to deploy energy and information to fight back the tide of entropy and carve out refuges of beneficial order.” — Steven Pinker

no wonder – it’s his purpose in life..

carhart-harris entropy lawit may be that some brains could stand to have a little more entropy, not less

let go – of that hard won order

Disorder is not a mistake; it is our default. Order is always artificial and temporary.

begs we embrace the uncertainty in cure ios city

we .. as some of the things that gain from disorder

The existence of entropy is what keeps us on our toes.

what we need most: the energy of 7bn alive people


first 30 seconds of Simon T Bailey‘s 3 min clip:

children up until the age of four are operating at genius level

entropy law.. 1 yr to be 5.. like a child ness

cc Robin Carhart-Harris, Alison Gopnik, Michael Pollan


via Douglas Rushkoff‘s team human

douglas rushkoff (@rushkoff) tweeted at 6:21 AM on Mon, Mar 18, 2019:
“Whether we’re speaking of capitalism and marketplaces, media programming, AI, corporations or systems of government, they are all abstractions we’ve invented to better organize and understand life, whereas we are real.”

and now.. the need to let go of that hard won order

ie: carhart-harris entropy law


from Shoshana Zuboff‘s age of surveillance capitalism:

7\ a movement that aims to impose a new collective order based on total certainty;..t

taleb antifragile law.. carhart-harris entropy law

to this tweet maryann replies wow.. then downloads book and tweets:

Any book that begins with these haunting lines by Auden, captures my attention…”We envy streams and houses that are sure…” from “The Age of Surveillance…”

Original Tweet:


from Lewis Mumford’s myth of the machine (v 2 – pentagon):


electronic entropy

perhaps another fate is actually in store for mankind.. perhaps homo sapiens will come to a quicker end by a shorter route.. already indicated/expressed w psychedelic extravagance by marshall mcluhan and his followers.. the seemingly solid older megamachine w its rigid limitations and predictable performance might give rise to he exact antithesis: an electronic anti megamachine programmed to accelerate disorder, ignorance and entropy.. .. souls seek total ‘liberation ‘for organization, continuity and purpose of any sort, in systematic de building, dissolution, and de creation.. ironically, such a return to randomness would, according to probability theory, produce the most static and predictable state possible: that of unorganized ‘matter’

carhart-harris entropy law


mcluhan appears to believe this has already happened, ..mankind as a whole will return to the pre primitive level, sharing mindless sensations and pre linguistic communion..  in the electronic phantasmagoria that he conjures up, not alone will old fashioned machines be permanently outmoded but nature itself will be replaced:


psychiatry reveals he true nature of this promised state. what is it but the electronic equivalent of the dissociation and subjective inflation that takes place under lysergic acid and similar drugs? in so far as mcluhan’s conception correspond s to any existential reality, it is that of an electronically induced mass psychosis..  not surprisingly, perhaps, now that the facilities for instantaneous communication have planetary outlets, symptoms of this psychosis are already detectable in every part of the planet. in mcluhan’s case, *the disease poses as the diagnosis..

*as too.. money as disease.. could be temp placebo (not sure entropy is a disease)

as it happens, the proposal to confine man to a present time cage that cuts him off from both past/future did not originate in the present age, nor is it dependent upon an exclusive commitment to electronic communication.. the ancient name for this form of exerting centralized control is ‘the burning of the books’..  in china 213 bc has been repeated at intervals as the ‘final solution’ when censorship and legal prohibition such as still prevail in totalitarian countries fail..

but it remained for mcluhan to picture as tech’s ultimate gift a more absolute mode of control: *one that will achieve total illiteracy, w no permanent record except that officially committed to the computer, and open only to hose permitted access to this facility..  this repudiation of an independent written and printed record means nothing less than the erasure of man’s diffused, multi brained collective memory: it reduces all human experience into that of the present generation and the passing moment..  the instant record is self effacing..  in effect, if not in intention, this would **carry mankind back to a far more primitive state than any tribal one: for pre literate peoples conserved a large part of their past by cultivating extraordinary memories and maintaining by constant repetition – even at the cost of creativity and invention – the essential links to their own past..

on the cancerous ness of *literacy

**thinking more in terms of getting back to the not yet scrambled ness of a child.. so deeper to our essence.. rather than to some time period.. no cost to creativity.. actually led/induced by  daily curiosity  ie: cure ios city

for this *‘instant revolution’ to be successful, the **burning of the books must take place on a ***worldwide scale and include every form of permanent record open to public view


more like.. **burning of ie: utopia of rules ness.. aka: supposed to’s.. of school/work.. to get us back/to an undisturbed ecosystem

***has to be everyone – freed up – rather than everything burned.. ie: if we focus on burning things.. they’d play like bad starfish ness


Maria Popova (@brainpicker) tweeted at 6:01 AM – 9 Apr 2019 :
“Genius is nothing more nor less than childhood recovered at will.”
Baudelaire, born on this day in 1821, on the genius of childhood (

“Children … are the most attentive, curious, eager, observant, sensitive, quick, and generally congenial readers on earth,” E.B. White

not yet scrambled ness

This supremacy of sensibility is no doubt due to the child’s voracious and indiscriminate curiosity, which furnishes a mastery at the art of observation superior to the adult’s by immeasurable orders of magnitude.

begs we try: 1 yr to be 5 ..

and facil daily curiosity  ie: cure ios city

Inspiration has something in common with a convulsion, and that every sublime thought is accompanied by a more or less violent nervous shock which has its repercussion in the very core of the brain. The man of genius has sound nerves, while those of a child are weak. With the one, Reason has taken up a considerable position; with the other, Sensibility is almost the whole being. But genius is nothing more nor less than childhood recovered at will — a childhood now equipped for self-expression with manhood’s capacities and a power of analysis which enables it to order the mass of raw material which it has involuntarily accumulated.

[The great artist is one] who is never for a moment without the genius of childhood — a genius for which no aspect of life has become stale… master of that only too difficult art — sensitive spirits will understand me — of being sincere without being absurd.


Co.Design (@FastCoDesign) tweeted at 5:30 AM – 7 Jun 2019 :
Creativity is linked to an inability to filter out sensory information, a new study says (

A few limitations: the study sample was small, and specific. All 97 participants were young and white, between the ages of 18 and 30. Not exactly the full spectrum of human experience, so take the findings with a grain or two of salt.


(netflix doc) the law of thermodynamics []

1:31 – i need entropy back in my life.. please somebody entropy me..t

3rd principle – can’t get to zero – can’t subtract the attraction completely


Extinction Rebellion founder calls for mass psychedelic disobedience
Original Tweet:

“Whilst I’m all for psychedelic science – I think it’s fantastic – I don’t think we necessarily have time to wait for the science to tell us these medicines are useful. The indigenous cultures have already shown us the ways.”

carhart-harris entropy law


Maria Popova (@brainpicker) tweeted at 6:01 AM – 30 Oct 2019 :
Order, disorder, and oneself – the polymathic French philosopher Paul Valéry, born on this day in 1871, on how to never again misplace anything: (

If you don’t want things to get lost, always put them where your instinct is to put them. You don’t forget what you would always do.

Real disorder is a breach of this rule — a waiving of the principle of frequency. Disorder comes of putting things in places you have laboriously thought up or finally discovered after a series of experiments, calculations, deviations, and successive swerves from your natural bent. And you hail each new cache as a discovery, a New World, a marvelous solution!

So when I want to find the object again, I am obliged to retrieve one particular train of thought, without anything to guide me back to it.

But if it was placed instinctively, all I need is to rediscover myself, lock, stock, and barrel — that’s to say I have only to be myself.

If disorder is the rule with you, you will be penalized for installing order.


Knowledge of the heart must come from the heart

wherein the intellect has imposed an illusory sense of order and structure upon the entropy of the emotions..t

our over-reliance on the intellect for clarity about love produces instead a kind of myopia

Isn’t his whole enterprise just a new and more subtle expression of the rage for control, and need for possession and certainty, the denial of incompleteness and neediness that characterized the intellectual project? Isn’t he still hungry for a science of life?


from andreas weber‘s reality as commons:

Cutting living subjects off from participating in the commons of reality and its mixture of practices and emotions, objects and aspects of meaning, is destructive in another serious respect: It blinds us to the nature of enclosure itself. As psychologists Miguel Benasayag and Gérard Schmit (2007:101f) observe, the overarching ideology of enclosure is an ideology of control and dominance, and a denial of enduring relationships. This systemic worldview is not simply unjust and dangerous, it brazenly defies reality. It is cruel because it violates the web of relational exchange which reality is.


The ideology of enclosure is inhumane because it generates a hierarchy in reality, ostensibly for human benefit, by installing humanity as custodian of the rational, the protector of the ordered, the knight battling chaos. Yet reality is not chaotic. On the contrary, it simply embodies an order that we are not always able to discern. Reality is structured as a creative expression of living agents, both human and more-than-human. Its structure, however, is sometimes invisible because its systems cannot be universalized, regimented or monetized without destroying life itself.

an undisturbed ecosystem..‘in undisturbed ecosystems ..the average individual, species, or population, left to its own devices, behaves in ways that serve and stabilize the whole..’ –Dana Meadows

letting go of the poisoning hard won order .. lit num as colonialism.. et al


Yara shahidi (@YaraShahidi) tweeted at 10:35 AM – 6 Mar 2020 :
“ I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to “order” than to justice” – Dr. King

that hard won order ness


from Jim Al-Khalili in secret life of chaos (doc):

32 min – it seemed unpredictability was hard wired into every aspect of the world we live in.. the global climate.. the stock market.. could change in course of few short years.. without warning.. could be wiped from face of planet overnight (nuclear) and there was nothing anyone could do about it

unfortunately i have to tell you.. that all of this is true.. and  yet..

to be scared of chaos is pointless..t

it’s woven into the basic laws of physics… and we really all have to accept it as a fact of life..

antifragile ness


from david graeber‘s anarchy in manner of speaking:


DG: This might sound silly, but I’ve always been a little suspicious of the second law of thermodynamics. I’m not denying that the principle of entropy applies within a closed system. Obviously it does. But it certainly doesn’t apply to any of the systems we care about the most. . t Neither the earth, since we have the sun feeding us energy continually, nor the universe as a whole, which has obviously become more complex and organized since the Big Bang. Okay, so self-contained chemical systems tend to become disorganized over time. So? What are we to make of a law where everything important that happens is an exception?.t

huge.. yeah that.. carhart-harris entropy law et al

DG: I’ve always felt the law of entropy was invented by depressed Victorians anticipating the inevitable decline of their empire. It’s the sigh of the notparticularly-oppressed creature, indignant that his power won’t last forever, since nothing does. You put your bird in a cage, then complain it’s going to die. Get over it!

But to get back to Bhaskar, since I didn’t quite finish my summary. What he’s saying is that you have these different emerging levels of complexity, and not only does each one have a greater degree of freedom (or arbitrariness, from the perspective of determination) but how they interact in an open system is inherently unpredictable, because you have causative mechanisms from different emergent levels interacting. That’s why you need to have a scientific experiment, therefore eliminating mechanisms from all but one emergent level, to understand how any one mechanism works. Closed systems are always human creations and they typically require an enormous amount of work..t

again on entropy ness and takes a lot of work ness





entropy et al.. antifragility.. control.. et al

Robin Carhart-Harris

robin on being human



social control

supposed to’s

let go

holmgren indigenous law

undisturbed ecosystem

Sam Gandy

thermodynamic isolation

miller extreme focus law


via michel fb share

Essentially, under this view, the world slouches naturally toward a deathly cold state of disorder, but it can be salvaged—illuminated and organized—by the competitive scrabble of creatures fighting to survive and get ahead.

In almost every erroneous overextension of the first and second laws, one word marks the crux of the error. The laws refer to an isolated system.

4th law: There is no such thing as an isolated system.

perhaps we would begin to see that part of the solution to our planetary crisis lies not in hustle, but in repose. ..Perhaps there are many solutions that do not even occur to us, because they resemble passivity rather than action, and we are so deeply trained to hustle.

