c o n n e c t .

menu connect

connect to your art, to other artists, to aliveness.


network individual

Today, even in public ed, you really can choose what, when, where, how and with whom you want to connect. Connections can start with the personalized framework of why. That choice has the potential of ultimate empowerment. That choice facilitates and enlivens a person’s curiosity, getting at a deep, intellectual, just in time learning. Connections, our new currency.

In Net Smart, Howard Rheingold refers to this as networked individualism, via Barry Wellman.

Rather than relying on a single community for social capital, individuals often must actively seek out a variety of appropriate people and resources for diff situations  – the person has become the portal.  – Barry Wellman

Nothing live lives alone. Life only and always organizes as systems of interdependency. To make a system healthier, we simply need to connect it more to itself.              -Meg Wheatley

Facilitating chaos freaks most people out. But one thing kids have mastered is networking/connecting. These turn out to be the very glue that will not only help us ride the shift wave, but wholeheartedly and blissfully, swim in the ocean.

be us graphic update



IN THE LIFE OF ANOTHER from Nic Askew on Vimeo.


we connect.

asking ourselves and others, what matters.


imagining the ai humanity needs.. augmenting interconnectedness

ie: 2 conversations as infraas it could be


Suggested book read:
Lisa Gansky – The Mesh  (how to share more in a city)

connect-ish books: talent code, power of pull, reality is broken, diy u, diy college credentials  people: downes, siemens, cormier, ..


keri connections new 1


connections – green about people



experimenting with web:

to web..


networked individuaism graphic