
– – – zinn quote on people energy

let’s do this first..







natural – ongoing (no need for grades/money/accolades…) energy – comes from facilitating authentic curiosity. daily.

finding the thing you can’t not do.. the thing you’d do anything to give away.. your art..

power of art mollie

7 billion plus people.. getting a go.. everyday.

that’s our energy.. no?

we keep missing it, when we keep not trusting 13 yr olds, and 5 yr olds, and 80 yr olds… ie: us.

a nother way.

and.. solar energy

need 1st/most: means to undo our hierarchical listening to self/others/nature as global detox/re\set.. so we can org around legit needs

imagine if we listened to the itch-in-8b-souls 1st thing everyday & used that data to connect us (tech as it could be.. ai as augmenting interconnectedness as nonjudgmental expo labeling)




p2 – how tesla (musk) will change your life – june 2015 – via tim urban:

the story of energy

energy “the thing that lets something do stuff.”

energy can’t be created or destroyed, only transferred or transformed from one form to another

we use the word “eating” to refer to “stealing someone else’s joules and also murdering them too.

sun. plants. wind. fire. steam. burn wood. burn coal.

As everyone dug, they started finding other things too. They found pockets of burnable air we call natural gas and underground lakes of thick, black burnable liquid we call crude oil. It turns out that this whole time, humans had been walking around with a vast untapped treasure of tightly packed, burnable joules right underneath them. It was like a dog digging in the woods to bury a bone and uncovering an underground cave full of pulled pork.

probably the most significant technological shift of all time, electricity allowed the raucous power of burning to be converted into a highly tame and remarkably versatile form of energy called electrical energy. With steam as a key middleman, all those spastic combustion joules could now be sent into an organized grid of wires, transferred long distances, and delivered into residential and commercial buildings where it would wait patiently in an outlet ready to be discharged at the user’s convenience.

a new world, powered by an endless cave of pulled pork, being gorged upon by the world’s happiest dog…

The United States is by far the biggest consumer of oil in the world, consuming over 20% of the world’s oil and about double the next biggest consumer. The US is also one of the three biggest oil producers in the world, alongside Saudi Arabia and Russia, who all produce roughly the same amount.

When you burn a log, all you’re doing is reversing the photosynthesis.

Burning a log doesn’t change that level because the carbon cycle “expects” that carbon to be hanging around the ground, water, or air.

burning fossil fuels (lost carbons underground) makes atmospheric co2 levels rise.. which rises temp. temp doesn’t need to change much to make it bad.

Basically, we’re currently living off of a trust fund (fossil fuels) we found underground, and we’d better learn how to get a job before it runs out.

Transportation covers planes, trains, ships, trucks, and cars—but cars cause more carbon emissions than the other four combined, and without major changes, expected to rise by over 50% by 2030.

story of cars

…if we’re trying to figure out what makes technology move and change, we have to look at two sources of pressure: natural market conditions that ebb and flow and apply continual new pressures on all the actors within, and the “god” on top who can artificially change the environment below to create manufactured pressures.

In the US, god has an identity crisis, alternating between feelings of pride and self-loathing. It wants to have the best country, but it’s standing on the street corner alone yelling out in an argument with itself about the right way to do that. When the US government (or a government like it) wants to play god and alter the American natural market environment to apply certain pressures in certain places, it uses three main tools: funding, regulation, and taxes.

on why cars have stayed much the same in 200 yrs (sounds like Ed):

Third, gas cars are already well-optimized—if you want to aggressively burst through the canopy like an underdog without any brand awareness needs to, you have to create a much better type of car than what’s out there. In the case of cars, that probably means addressing the core of the car itself and the thing that’s been stressing everyone out with its billowing emissions—the engine. But since no one has really done this yet, it means you need to not only create the first successful startup car company in a long time, you need to create the first startup to ever succeed at making whatever type of car you’re creating. And since you’ll be there first to do it, you’ll have to put a huge amount of time and money into innovation research and development and bear the brunt of the invention costs for the whole industry. You’ll also have to bear the marketing costs to educate the world on why they should want this new type of car—that’s a one-time expense and once it’s done, other companies will be able to ride on the consumer demand you spent a ton of money building.

unless you create something that gets at the core of the economy and energy as well.. something that will market and sustain itself. ie: people. let’s do this first.

the car industry has had the luxury of calmly sunbathing in a tight canopy quilt, making only incremental advances, only when they’re needed.

and here is where the story – could – change.. what if we take out the element of money/profit

Thinking purely from a greed-optimizing perspective, cigarette companies acted completely rationally. They kicked up nicotine levels in cigarettes and added shards of glass into filters to create tiny cuts and increase nicotine absorption, which caused further harm but increased demand—but since the harm was unaccounted for, this was a pure net positive for the company.

The problem is, giant companies have enough influence that any government attempt at making changes through regulation ends up being watered down to the point where it’s ineffective.

So the reason why, 112 years after Ford Motor Company’s founding, we’re still using harmful, old-fashioned engines is simple: none of the pressures on the car industry are pushing it to change.

The car industry still needs to work hard to optimize in certain areas—that’s why cars have become safer, smoother, more comfortable, and more efficient over the years. But the most glaring flaw of the modern car—that it constantly dumps garbage into the atmosphere—remains untouched, because doing so is free, because big oil’s influence means government keeps allowing it, and because there’s no one from underneath to burst through the canopy and show customers that there’s a better way.

a nother way – what if that ends up leap frogging tesla..?

the story of tesla

When Apple decided to make a phone, they didn’t try to make a better Blackberry—they asked, “What should a mobile phone be?

revolution of everyday life. not fixing work/school/war/money/energy even.. deep enough. leap into the future.. ongoingly. exponentially. – to slow us down. not trying to balance… space x and tesla and kids’ school… et al..

But on long city-to-city drives or road trips, EVs have always had an issue. So Musk came up with a solution:

Build a worldwide energy network. Tesla came up with the Supercharger—a high-caliber, on-the-road charger—and there would be public stations that would contain a whole row of Superchargers, just like a row of gas pumps at a gas station. A normal garage charger takes either 5 or 10 hours to fully charge the Model S batte

A couple other things about Superchargers: they’re all free to use, and soon, they’ll all be entirely solar-powered.

Ed again

Their feelings on EVs make perfect sense:

Dealerships make a huge amount of profit fixing gas engines, oil filters, and doing oil changes—money they’d stop making when they sold EVs with motors that rarely broke.

The car companies already know gas cars back and forth, and they’ve mastered the art of making a few tiny new changes to them each year so the new year’s models will be a little better than the previous year’s.

The issue with Tesla right now is most people can’t afford one,

The car companies, as I mentioned, aren’t happy about all of this—they’re acting like a kid with a cupcake whose parents are forcing them to eat their vegetables.

But how about the oil industry?

Unlike car companies, the oil industry can’t suck it up, get on the EV train, and after an unpleasant hump, continue to thrive. If EVs catch on in a serious way and end up being the ubiquitous type of car, oil companies are ruined. 45% of all the world’s extracted oil is used for transportation, but in the developed world, it’s much higher—in the US, 71% of extracted oil is used for transportation, and most of that is for cars.

So if the car industry has a cupcake and its parents are forcing it to eat vegetables, the oil industry has a cupcake but its parents are forcing it to eat razor blades. The car industry will resist the veggies and have a little tantrum before grudgingly giving in—the oil industry will furiously try to gouge the parents’ eyes out in resistance because for him, this is life and death.


Margaret Heffernan – tedwomen 2015 – no stars – we need everybody


june 2015 – battery revolution ness

Chiang seems ambivalent as 24M begins to disclose what it’s been doing all these years. Until now, the entire industry has had a singular idea of how batteries are manufactured. Chiang’s own rivals were, until today, convinced that he was on a far-fetched crusade to figure out flow batteries.

imagine the energy surge.. if we (sounds like.. like Chiang) thought more universal.. less rivals.. and started living a nother way.. that allowed every one to spend their day doing something they can’t not do.. imagine the people in this space alone.. Mihai Duduta’s from all over the place.. no? solving problems in less than a month… with simple resources.. or whatever.


energy from listen & clap ness


solar energy ness – 1st village to produce 4x more energy than uses – germany

fb david h
Jose Cordeiro
breakthrough energy coalition

We need a ‘soft energy path’ for the transition, not a hard one

Original Tweet:

What people want is access to services. These services are remote, a process accelerated by modern planning practices of zoning and out-of-town shopping. Building more roads does not help, it merely serves to generate more traffic. Most people measure the viability of a journey by time, not miles. The converse to building more roads also works, closing roads leads to less traffic as the journey is no longer viable or alternative transport modes are used. The transport problem is a planning, social and resource problem.

Energy planners, partly through monopolies, partly through corporate control think in terms of Gigawatts, anything smaller is not viable, certainly not commercially viable. Consumption is generally measured in kilowatts or less. A rare exception are aluminium smelters which do require Gigawatts and some other industrial processes. In these rare cases a Gigawatt plant adjacent to the industrial process makes a whole lot of sense. Other than these rare exceptions there is a huge mismatch between generation and consumption.

There are many more of these mismatches. Most of what we conventionally think of as energy generation plants are nothing of the sort, they are energy conversion plants.


Large-scale electricity systems are brittle. The whole system, grid, power generators, has at all times to be synchronous (frequency and phase). Pull down one part and it may pull down the rest.


GaN FETs are used in high intensity headlights due to speed, size, low cost and high rerliability @EPC_Corp

Original Tweet:

Here’s how #GaN @EPC_Corp drives the car of the future:

Original Tweet:


according to nikola tesla via ideapod

I am credited with being one of the hardest workers and perhaps I am, if thought is the equivalent of labour, for I have devoted to it almost all of my waking hours. But if work is interpreted to be a definite performance in a specified time according to a rigid rule, then I may be the worst of idlers. Every effort under compulsion demands a sacrifice of life-energy. I never paid such a price. On the contrary, I have thrived on my thoughts. – Nikola Tesla


solar punk

solar energy


Steven Kotler (@steven_kotler) tweeted at 6:00 AM – 23 Aug 2018 :
Stacks of concrete can be used to store excess energy. Yes, that is novel. Here’s the science.


adv energy

euv lithography

