d r e a m .

menu dream

dream of being/doing/sharing your art.


bot ist art ist entire cleanerest

cummings art\ist law

Art is your being. It’s not a drawing or creation or anything that you do. It’s something you can’t not do. Well not if you’re seeking soul peace anyway. Perhaps that’s why so many people are unsettled, take meds, do bad things.. they haven’t found their art. If it’s your art, you’ll do anything to give it away.

An artist uses bravery, insight, creativity and boldness to challenge the status quo, takes work personally, doesn’t care if someone disagrees, embraces the mystery of their genius. An artist is someone who changes everything, someone who makes dreams come true. An artist lives without a map. (unself consciousness) An artist follows and feeds their insatiable curiosity.

Every day.

Artists lead, they don’t chase. – Icarus Deception

intention & agency 5

Dreaming is at the heart of disruption.Whitney Johnson

Incrementally indoctrinated, we have forgotten how to dream; we have forgotten who we are. We have abandoned our connection to wonder and placed our destiny in unclean hands.  – Russell Brand


art and sleep as reset.. to fittingness

oikos (the economy our souls crave).. ‘i should say: the house shelters day-dreaming, the house protects the dreamer, the house allows one to dream in peace.’ – gaston bachelard, the poetics of space



never give up image

[image by Simon Ensor – which he shared with #rhizo14 fb with quote below. when asked if it was depicting noah’s ark – he responded – I have no idea what you may see. and then – Taking stock at the moment and drawing is a nagging presence that refuses to be filed away.]

Never give up on what you really want to do. The person with big dreams is more powerful than one with all the facts.”  –Einstein.

Dreams-drawn will know no bounds – Simon.. or seen/acted/felt..  disney therapy et al.

draw\ing ness


we dream.

a city free, to emerge, with nothing to prove.


Suggested book read:
Seth Godin – The Icarus Deception (why art is the narrative of being truly alive)

dream-ish books:  linchpin, art of possibility, war of art, democratic ed, we are all weird, walk out walk on, stop killing dreams, dare-dream-do

via interview with Seth on parenting for a new economy

Art” is the work of a human being seeking to connect with another human being usually by doing something that hasn’t been done before. Doing something that might be risky and most of all doing something that’s generous … And I want to be very clear here that it’s easy to get carried away in the soft stuff that comes with nurturing and humanity and looking your kid in the eye and feeling that wonder of what it is to be 12. I am a huge fan of that.

But I am talking about something different. I am talking about the fact that in addition to the fact that this is the right thing for people to do emotionally – it is also an economic imperative. That all the things we got sold on why we needed to leave [humanity] at home and why we needed to say to our son, grow up don’t cry—those excuses for acting non-human are GONE. They’re bogus now. Ironically we are back to where we started, which is being human.



steven spielberg:

sometimes a dream almost whispers.. the hardest thing to listen to your instincts..your human personal intuition.. always whispers.. never shouts.. very hard to hear

and we will benefit from everything you do..



keri dream new 1



more on dreaming.