

adding the page upon reading this tweet via David on open badges:

We need to rebuild the #openbadges infrastructure around the #blockchain. Actually, let’s do that for all credentialing systems #openedweek

– – –

lost a bit.

why would we want.. or even think we could.. create anything linear/chronological.. makes me think of the Kafka movie, on bureaucracy et al, i watched while reading David Graeber‘s the utopia of rules and re-reading Hannah Arendt‘s the promise of politics.

perhaps the only thing crazier than taking the time/energy for that is thinking we still need and/or can use such a system to document/actualize/credential human value.

again lost.

i don’t know.

i’m guessing i don’t understand blockchains enough. maybe.

scribbling in the night ness..

what if our thinking about security, voting, measuring exchanges, contracts, property…is what’s getting in the way. what if they are (could/should be) irrelevant (gupta roadblock law). we have the means now – so why don’t we use tech to coordinate/regroup/re self organize us.. rather than making b more efficient… ie:





money less

money ness


trade recorded in bookkeeping and we use middle men (trusted 3rd parties) to maintain it

digital ledger – the blockchain

4 min – a considerable decrease in bureaucracy..


makes me think of that quote about Jobs and ipad.. that he created something to organize all the things we never used to think we had to do.

and David Graeber‘s B book – telling of the increase of time spent on B when we went online..


by David Bollier shared by Michel:

whatever the real or perceived flaws of Bitcoin, relatively little attention has been paid to its “engine,” known as “distributed ledger” or “blockchain” technology.  Move beyond the superficial public discussions about Bitcoin, and you’ll discover a software breakthrough that could be of enormous importance to the future of commoning on open network platforms.


Blockchain technology can help solve this problem by using a searchable online “ledger” that keeps track of all transactions of all bitcoins. The ledger is updated about six times an hour, each time incorporating a new set of transactions known as the “block” into the ledger.  What makes the blockchain so revolutionary is that the information on it is shared by everyone on the network using the Bitcoin software. The ledger acts as a kind of permanent record maintained by a vast distributed peer network, which makes it far more secure than data kept at a centralized location. You can trust the authenticity of a given bitcoin because it’s virtually impossible to corrupt a ledger that is spread across so many nodes in the network.


mar 2015

on ethereum

The plot to replace the internet

‘Ethical hackers’ in Fulham think they have a way to make your online life truly private, secure and anonymous. The world will be very different if they succeed

Ethereum uses something called a ‘block chain’ to record information on a public database in a chronological way that prevents copying, tampering, fraud or deletion.


In 2 years you’ll forget the world blockchain &just hear database &it’ll mean the same thing. Probably.

so pushing blockchain (verbiage wise) is database..?

15 min – use blockchain as saber to cut through bureaucracy

ok. but not adding it.. not making B more efficient.. ie: beyond radical econ; ps in the open…

17 min – underpinned by blockchain.. makes B less in the way

18 min – not everything can be equity crowdfunded.. mostly consumer junk

i’m hearing – it as a way to corale B – but not make it irrelevant…so then – to kindly perpetuate it….?

seems we can do better at leap frogging – to us..

23 min – wealth of nations (networks..?), benkler (not available to recommend at overdrive); coase’s penqui (not showing up at all); robin chase, peer inc (already recommended to overdrive)

wealth of networks  – pdf download: