
menu be

be your art -even as it changes daily. be curious. be still. be curious some more.

be you. be.  ____________________________________________________________________

be someone edit

Observe your mind chatter – because then you realize it is just that… chatter.

Step away from that. Overcome the fear of being alone. Listen deeply.
Look at what you have. Find your place of freedom.


All the world needs, is you, being you.


be you graphic update


In old age the emphasis shifts from doing to being, and our civilization, which is lost in doing, know nothing of being. It asks: being? What do you do with it?   – Eckhart Tolle

begin being.

To be nobody but myself-in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make me somebody else-means to fight the hardest battle any human can fight, and never stop fighting.    ~ e.e. cummings


oct 1, 2014 – Jerome Bruner – 99 yrs old

via Maria:

Today, we hang so much of our identity on our capacity to create, often confusing what we do for who we are. And while creativity, by and large, is a positive force in the external world, its blind pursuit can be damaging to the inner.

most people are other people. trumping authenticity for attachment.

perhaps why ie: this experiment and this mit & twitter – and even this maker ness – won’t get us there – until we free people up to be themselves. twitter data is irrelevant – if it’s not really us. no? how to make it not an imitation. every day.

It is hard for us to accept that people do not fall in love with works of art only for their own sake, but also in order to feel that they belong to a community. By imitating, we get closer to others—that is, other imitators. It fights solitude.  – Taleb


Suggested book reads:
Dan Millman – The Way of the Peaceful Warrior (there is never nothing going on)

Seth GodinIcarus Deception (the safety zone has moved – conformity no longer leads to comfort)

Tom ShadyacLife’s Operating Manual (to be what s/he already is)

other be-ish books: buccaneer scholar, significance of life, tools of conviviality, mindfulness, we are all weird, linchpin, orbiting the giant hairball, the new earth


 be image tags



the it is me

how to be you

begin being

be alone

talk to self


whimsy matters

authenticity matters

celebrate onlyness

occupy your brain



be still





collection of intros