detox leap

ref global detox/reset a lot

ie: need 1st/most: means to undo our hierarchical listening to self/others/nature as global detox/re\set.. so we can org around legit needs

and more generally: detox as detox; iterating detox; detox {history}; detox {video from slidedeck}; why leap; for (blank)’s sake; et al

adding page while reading end of mark losonca’s spiritualizing anarchism:


Surrender does not have a finite object; one does not give oneself to something limited and bounded. If one does, then it is most likely submission—to the teacher’s personality, or the ‘Cause.’ … *The authentic teacher-student relationship leads beyond narcissism by showing students how to devote themselves to a greater power that lies within, yet beyond themselves. … Genuine teachers encourage self-respect as the basis for self-transcendence.

*to me.. this is already a red flag that we’re not trusting what’s already on each heart.. and too.. there’s not yet scrambled ness.. oi

..The whole movie thus embodies a paradox: Kumaré tries to prove to people that they do not need a guru as an external authority, but he does so largely through the use of classical spiritual techniques, i.e., the discovery of inner depth; truth and freedom are in this case also realized dialectically, that is, with external help. The film is a spectacular critique of illegitimate spiritual authority and, at the same time, in fact, a praise of the teacher–disciple relationship based on help and partnership

yeah.. we need a temp jump start.. ie: imagine a turtle .. but we now have means for global detox leap.. so nothing like what is described here

huge.. and we’re missing it


Why could the psychedelic experience be so important for spiritual anarchism? *Precisely because it can help self-transcendence. Psychedelics facilitate the mechanisms of neuroplasticity at the molecular level, allowing neurobiological modulation of Default Mode and Salience networks. **This means that they contribute to the loosening of rigidly entrenched neural pathways and the reconditioning of self-modeling, which may also lead to a rethinking of social norms and rules. This is why it is so often suggested that unbinding the self-model may also have system-critical consequences. Transient network disintegration and resetting beliefs, the re-wiring of elementary subjective mechanisms, can also occur in a way that leads to total ego-dissolution, and also in a way that the ordinary sense of self is significantly altered and becomes embedded in something larger, such as the surrounding nature or an infinite consciousness, in the sense of self-transcendence.

*may be an aid.. ?.. but to me.. if we want global detox leap (and it does have to be everyone for the dance to dance) we need 1st/most: means to undo our hierarchical listening to self/others/nature as global detox/re\set.. so we can org around legit needs

ie: imagine if we listened to the itch-in-8b-souls 1st thing everyday & used that data to connect us (tech as it could be.. ai as augmenting interconnectedness as nonjudgmental expo labeling)

getting at all/deeper.. need ai/tech as as nonjudgmental expo labeling

**which is super/great.. how to change.. carhart-harris entropy law.. et al.. but since we not only need detox.. we need global detox.. so we need a means for 8b people to leap

humanity needs a leap.. to get back/to simultaneous spontaneity .. simultaneous fittingness.. everyone in sync..

It is important to note that although the psychedelic experience has inherent anarchistic potential, it does not necessarily follow that psychedelic communities are necessarily anarchistic or anarchist. Alan Piper’s research has clearly shown that the psychedelic experience can be instrumentalized by fascist and far-right communities. In short, it is true here too, *as in the case of meditation, that the psychedelic experience is not independent of the surrounding socio-ethical community, the set and setting, the psycho-spiritual dimensions of the relationship to it. An excellent positive example of how a psychedelic experiencer can become open to anarchism is Terence McKenna, who is widely regarded as the “psychedelic guru of the 90s” and who has expounded that psychedelic use could pave the way for the withering away of the state and anarchy, also mentioned green anarchy, talked about “anarchy being the ideal” and envisioned **creative democratic communities without leaders. Overall, we can say that ***psychedelia can contribute to rethinking and expanding the modal space of experience. ..the psychedelic experience lived through the prism of spiritual anarchism can also contribute to the questioning of dominant ontologies. This would mean leaving our comfort zone within the consensus reality, a more participative and egalitarian ontology, more plural approaches to reality.

*hari rat park law.. psychedels/meditation.. not enough

**any form of democratic admin.. any form of people telling other people what to do.. any form of m\a\p.. are cancerous distractions

***perhaps as temp during leap.. but unconditional.. trust.. of whatever is already on/in each heart has to be the focus.. not teachers/psychedels/tech.. otherwise.. same song

this.. to why we need detox leap/hasten ness





