as it could be



voice ness.. and needing a means to undo our hierarchical listening

there’s a legit use of tech (nonjudgmental expo labeling).. to facil a legit global detox leap.. for (blank)’s sake.. and we’re missing it

me other tool – nonjudgmental expo labeling


adding page this day.. so the it particularly pertaining to tech..

Cory Doctorow‘s review of Tim O’Reilly‘s wtf (which made my frustrating book list.. hoping this read will help)

Thanks, @doctorow, for the forgotten memory of that P2P working group meeting, and for the best review of my book that I’ve read yet. It’s wonderful to read a review that is not a rehash of the content, but a vaulting forward of the argument!

Original Tweet:

A book that tells us how to keep the technology baby and throw out the Big Tech bathwater

can love the sin hate the sinner


thurman interconnectedness law

WTF? is a book about technology as it was, as it is, and *as it could be. It is told from the perspective of someone who has been personally present at the most important moments in the fast-paced history of tech, and who played a significant role in those moments. It’s a rare and important piece of criticism that inspires even as it dissects.

*this is what i found most frustrating about the book.. i think we’re missing what it could be.. big time.. and perhaps.. precisely because we’ve still got that hierarchical format for listening.. ie: you can’t hear me..  [mboya/rogers can you hear me law et al]

so this (the adding to via a new page):

1\ there’s no way we (a person) can listen to all the voices

2\ trying to (listen to all the voices) is one of our biggest.. shiny ness .. problems.. our focus should be to listen to our own heart/voice.. otherwise we’re spinning our wheels listening to not-us voices.. (reason for 2 convo infra)

3\ even if you could listen.. ie: hear me now.. the infra/system is set up that first i need to be speaking your language.. which takes up my day.. so that by the time i get to your language.. i’m never speaking that original voice/message anyway.. (reason for idio-jargon‘d self-talk infra)

4\ even if you could listen.. ie: hear me now.. our intoxicated default is to judge/hate/whatever.. rather than just take in the input and try to connect it.. (reason for simple mech infra)

and so.. we need a tech to listen to all the voices .. unconditionally.. w/o judgment.. and facil that

and it matters (ginorm small) that all the voices are coming from alive people.. so.. the mech/infra has to also wake/detox us up

perhaps this is tech as it could be.. which begs we leap by facil ing 2 convos

ie: hlb via 2 convos that io dance.. as the day..[aka: not part\ial.. for (blank)’s sake…]..  a nother way

everyone in sync law

listen & connect to undo our hierarchical listening


Zachery Tyso (@ZaknafienDC) tweeted at 10:37 AM – 20 Dec 2019 :
The reason people are seduced by demagogues is that they feel like their individual voices aren’t being heard. The architecture of American democracy hasn’t kept pace with the technological and societal rate of change, leaving large chunks of the population alienated. (

begs tech as it could be.. listening to every voice everyday

@ZaknafienDC: I think its interesting to re-read classics like Eric Hoffer’s True Believer about how individuality is subsumed in mass movements, annihilating the self in exchange for a collective identity.

public consensus always oppresses someone.. maté trump law .. brown belonging law.. et al

@ZaknafienDC: If people truly felt they had an individual voice and were recognized in wider society, democracy would flourish.

if people truly had individual voice/daily-curiosity and that was used to help augment our interconnectedness.. humanity would flourish

mufleh humanity lawwe have seen advances in every aspect of our lives except our humanity– Luma Mufleh

what we need most: the energy of 8b alive people



socially beneficial use of the data stream our online meanderings leave behind,

as opposed to current use to advertise to us?I could get behind that.

Original Tweet:

[whole thread on coincidence of wants page]


tech w/o judgment..?

listen & connect to undo our hierarchical listening

understanding tech


as it could be ness on google doc
