cure ios city

people experiment via cure ios city

about a problem deep enough to get to the root/soul of all of us ..via a mechanism simple enough to be accessible/usable for all of us ..within a system open enough to set/keep all of us free

cure (problem) ios (mech) city (ecosystem)

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let’s just facil daily curiosity  ie: cure ios city.. with 2 convers as infra.. via tech as it could be..

imagine if we just focused on listening to the itch-in-8b-souls.. first thing.. everyday.. and used that data to augment our interconnectedness.. we might just get to a more antifragile, healthy, thriving world.. the ecosystem we keep longing for..

what the world needs most is the energy of 8b alive people


a qr film  – a nother way book..  to model another way (graeber model law)

2 convos as infra.. as it could be

because: too much

this begs daily curiosity at the least

curiosity over decision making

a people experiment – a quiet revolution

more curiosity app

c (dot) app story

re\wire: ds\ni-ic



Chase Jarvis (@chasejarvis) tweeted at 11:43 AM on Fri, Sep 29, 2017:
If you’re not sure where to start. Start with your curiosity. (@jasonsilva)

chase that

langer notice law

no train


during pandemic – tweet from ultimape – on knowing what to listen to:

“I can tell you that being playful, and being curious, are at the root of innovation. The Seeking System.”…

5 min video from mar 2020 – dan cable.. how to activate the seeking system of your brain

the seeking system of our brain is urging us to explore.. this onboard/innate part of our brain.. makes us feel more alive

what world needs most: the energy of 8b alive people

3 ways *leaders can activate:

why leaders?

1\ experimentation.. playing w boundaries of how we do things (ie: **20% of time just to play around)

20% et al .. not enough.. has to be 100% .. not part\ial.. for (blank)’s sake… or the dance won’t dance.. and we get tragedy/flies ness et al

2\ understanding strengths.. id.. what is my potential.. is an ignition switch

the energy of fittingness/eudaimoniative surplus

3\ the why of the work.. urge is to understand cause/effect of actions

? – his ie is in regard to making money.. let go

perhaps we let go of the supposed to’s..(& effects) of school/work

why don’t we start by socializing some of the ways we are unique

let’s just facil daily curiosity  ie: cure ios city to augment our interconnectedness.. with 2 convos as infra.. via tech as it could be

let’s get to the basics

gupta roadblock law

taleb center of problem law

ie: cure ios city

getting us back/to an antifragile/undisturbed ecosystem


via michel fb share – 4 min read – We Need a New Operating System: The Gauntlet has been laid down – by John Bunzl: []

from amazon book page:

Simpol is the short name for the Simultaneous Policy. – a range of policies to solve global problems at the same time, on the same date, so all nations win. With Simpol, you can contribute to those policies and drive governments to implement them.

there’s a better/simpler way to get in sync..

ie: cure ios city

more notes here: simpol


collection of intros