
detox as a process of (un)learning to (un)learn

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detox\ing ourselves back to a natural state of (un)learning (via: talking to yourself)

a means toward global systemic change/restoration.

detox words

notice. dream. connect. do. be.

intellectness as cancerous distraction we can’t seem to let go of.. there’s a legit use of tech (nonjudgmental expo labeling).. to facil a legit global detox leap.. for (blank)’s sake.. and we’re missing it

legit freedom will only happen if it’s all of us.. and in order to be all of us.. has to be sans any form of m\a\p


Tenets of Learning ~ Jake Kauffman
  1. Learning is Natural – The human brain is designed to learn. It needs a constant flow of  knowledge in order to be fulfilled.
  2. What Needs to be Learned is Learned – Nothing needs to be forcefully taught. One of the great aspects of the human mind (and how it has survived for over 10,000 years) is that it is very good at figuring out what it needs to learn.
  3. Learning is Constant – Every human brain — every brain, in fact —  is constantly developing and making connections. Even while we sleep this process is taking place. To designate times for learning and times for playing is unnatrual. Playing is learning. Living is learning.





The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity.    -unknown


love of taking charge

detox as a potential/temporary means to get that innate ness back..


detox as detox

relax (disconnect/unplug from the success and failure games)
curiosity is natural.
knowledge deemed as opportunity
now binds us.
the web allows access to anything.
self-construction is natural.
most need detox to get back to what matters.
nclb = absolutely
achievement gap = misnomer

perhaps a temporary tech-facilitated nudge/jolt to get us back to us.. in a less painful/stressful/harmful/incubated way…


detox {as glue}

there are pools

There are many amazingly innovative ways to do/learn things today. Yet, nothing is for everyone. Perhaps, an enriching commonality (glue – well, cohesive integrated structure, via G Siemens) is that we focus on prepping for uncertainty (D Cormier) by simply learning how to learn – via curiosity. 


detox {as glue} – curiosity app to ground initial chaos – and to provide an echo chamber ness for authenticity – while shortening the time between intention and action/connection.

glue clean


detox as common core

If needed, detox as a temporary template of sorts, to get most of us back to a natural state of learning. Reclaiming our human nature (curiosity) by focusing on one thing – learning how to learn. Following our whimsy (noticings) in order to iterate/prototype/embrace uncertainty and awaken ongoing energy. Imagine if everyone was an expert at thinking for themselves. Ridiculous?  (from 2012 doc)

look here for write-up (2010) of detox (background) – and one student’s example from us using google docs as app (process)

more specific – seeing detox as input to app


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detox video – us practicing/prototyping the process in 2010..

detox as detox

iterating detox..


still ness

how to be you

detox {history}

