idiosyncratic jargon


same on issuu:


nika on idio jargon ness

bateson safety law:



idiosyncratic: of or relating to idiosyncrasy; peculiar or individual.


wikipedia small

An idiosyncrasy is an unusual feature of a person (though there are also other uses, see below). It also means odd habit. The term is often used to express eccentricity or peculiarity. A synonym may be “quirk”.

The term “idiosyncrasy” originates from Greek ἰδιοσυγκρασία idiosynkrasía, “a peculiar temperament, habit of body” (from ἴδιος idios, “one’s own”, σύν syn, “with” and κρᾶσις krasis, “mixture”) or literally “self-ruled”.

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what is jargon

wikipedia small

Jargon is a type of language that is used in a particular context and may not be well understood outside of it. The context is usually a particular occupation (that is, a certain trade, profession, or academic field), but any ingroup can have jargon. The main trait that distinguishes jargon from the rest of a language is special vocabulary—including some words specific to it and, often, narrower senses of words that outgroups would tend to take in a broader sense. Jargon is thus “the technical terminology or characteristic idiom of a special activity or group”. Most jargon is technical terminology, involving terms of art or industry terms, with particular meaning within a specific industry. A main driving force in the creation of technical jargon is precision and efficiency of communication when a discussion must easily range from general themes to specific, finely differentiated details without circumlocution. A side effect of this is a higher threshold for comprehensibility, which is usually accepted as a trade-off but is sometimes even used as a means of social exclusion (reinforcing ingroup-outgroup barriers).

The philosopher Étienne Bonnot de Condillac observed in 1782 that “every science requires a special language because every science has its own ideas”. As a rationalist member of the Enlightenment, he continued: “It seems that one ought to begin by composing this language, but people begin by speaking and writing, and the language remains to be composed.”[

– – – – —

rules of language:

wikipedia small

Language is typically said to be governed by a group of unspoken rules: phonological, semantic, syntactic, pragmatic, prosodic, and idiosyncratic. These rules shape the way language is written, spoken, and interpreted.People create communication, not languages, phrases, or letters.



The idiosyncratic rules of communication tell what type of words and language are to be used when speaking with people. Different word choice is adjusted due to the relationships between the communicators, the context of the conversation, the content of the conversation, and the cultural differences between the communicators. Jargon is a specialized language between certain people or professionals, and it is one example of how different words and language are used between people. Doctors or lawyers use jargon relating to their professions when communicating with other professionals, but adjust their word choices when speaking with patients or clients so they do not confuse or create misunderstandings.



adding this page after a recent conversation (with comments much like many in the past) in regard to this (be you) site. ie: i tried to go to the site.. i don’t get it.. i wish it wasn’t filled with so much idiosyncratic jargon…

[just a reminder.. this is all an experiment, life is an experiment, so i could be completely wrong here.. just my thinking.. right now]

what if idiosyncratic jargon ness – is a means to making many of our man-made rules/technologies/ideologies irrelevant. ie: security, privacy, property, encryption, permission, …

coming from the assumption that the thing the world needs most is for each person to be themselves. that we don’t need people to be clones of other people. that the dance depends on us each being a vital (idiosyncratic) part of the dance.

oscar wilde quote full

ie: each person is the only person that has the potential for being the expert at being them. and if we need that.. for people to be themselves…you start to wonder about distractions to that. lost energy toward that.

zinn quote on people energy

how much time in our day do we spend..

..trying to get people to listen-to/follow/like us (our rules) and/or trying to listen-to/follow/like other people (their rules). it’s like a relational bureaucracy of sorts. the thing getting in the way of us being us.

what is legible.. who decides..

what if we all spent more time ..listening-to/following/embracing our own idiosyncracies/quirks/whimsies. and leaving a trail of that (commonplace book ness). all without having to defend/translate/prove/credential every thought/dream/action.

besides all the energy/time that would save/redirect.. perhaps it would make irrelevant.. privacy, security, et al.. by giving everyone something else to do (rather than being inspectors of inspectors, etc..). ie: i’m not spending all my time trying to find that shiny answer in your book or trying to get you interested in my book. i live with intent. being intentionally me. which i believe is way different than what we’re used to doing.. as the day.

perhaps then.. noise is no longer noise. perhaps if we’re ok/in-focus/authentic.. perhaps that sort of focus/being cuts through noise… cuts through insecurities.. toward a different song. so that when we do connect.. it’s either with intention.. and/or with intention-filled individuals.

like wikipedia, most often people go there with intention, a question/interest/curiosity.

what if this commonplace/never-ending book, this ongoing extension of your brain, is not meant to be stand alone. not definable/closure-able. what if its underlying purpose.. is that by (idiosyncratic) design.. it begs connection. it helps us realize:

communication quote by shaw

it helps us realize we don’t have the full story.. and it helps us seek out.. the other/invisible stories. the other/invisible syncs.

pay attention to world clive

perhaps our souls are begging for a global systemic change.. getting back to each person’s thumbprint (perhaps self-talk as data) .. so that we can get back to our one ness..

interconnectedness prejudice graphic

encouraging you/me to think for ourselves before/during/after we access each other. living with intention ness… rather than follow-the-shiny ness.

[balance in all of this.. currently speaking from the over/under balance of too many people believing it’s not legal to think for themselves.]

networked individualism.. re\wire ness


it’s freeing to be ok with (or delusional about) the idea.. that this page/site/day/me isn’t finished. doesn’t have to (ever) be finished. there’s no due date for clarity. no due date for revisions. perhaps clarity/revision comes in the moment of being.. that you are in with another person(s). and we just need to work on freeing up more time/people for that. ie: gatherings that matter.

[thinking beyond (and alongside) books, written word, to unlimited words and/or no words. to no prep. perhaps.. the words, the prep, is us just being/becoming. the words are just part of a trail rather than another’s road map. not trying to deny, defend, ignore.. just trying to understand.. the prize ness…]

– – –

back to my writing from when i first heard the term:

thinking about its ability to let us speak our own languages.. (idiosyncratic jargon) – creating equitable access to communication. and then too – to serve as a degree of privacy we (may or may not) want. like a crypto scrambler ish. like completely/publicly transparent – but invisible to the naked eye. like – the code breaker is – you have to care enough about that particular person and/or topic.. to have either 1) learned that particular language 2) learn it really fast 3) spend more time with the person or 4) embrace the dis\order ..  but it goes both ways – not a distraction (begging for attention) for those not inclined – as well as – aid in translation for those really wanting to connect

just rambling going on in my head… that i don’t want to lose (which i believe is another great use of the app/tech – like how Clive credits Thad).. like it’s freed him up to listen better.. pay attention to now  ness.

lanier beyond words law:

jaron on words


so in a way.. idiosyncratic jargon (not intentionally.. but rather organically).. is one way.. perhaps.. that a person who is seeking/listening to their own heart/map daily… (in order to bring the best of them to the world et al).. creates their own chamber.. not as in silo.. but as a way to be private in public.. and public in private..

how do i hide

rather than babel izing some elitist bespeak, spending our time trying to fit/get in, we create us/eudaimoniative surplus.


Nemetics is just a code. It is a meta language to allow people in different silos to communicate about complexity science.



ps in the open

Moxie Marlinspike

liminality ness

tower of babel ness


nov 2015 – Nathan
Loved @nathanjurgenson ‘s chat with @nora3000 on @sparkcbc , as someone new to messaging apps
social media platforms.. more like broadcast..
messaging apps more like convos we’re used to
on keeping score in likes and rt’s…
a service like snapchat… where no likes and not recorded.. is more familiar, more like convos we’re used to f to f.. almost always ephemeral, ..
digital connection is part of this reality.. this one reality
on forgetting that most of our communication is banality…
perhaps what tech can help us with.. getting past that.. w/o missing out on its pluses.. ie: going deeper in the relationship .. in a less banal way. ie: less forced/nervous trivial convos…
most interesting.. the rise of visual communication.. a new literacy.. i can express what i want with an image… visual literacy..
huge if we want to unleash idiosyncrasies … universal sign/image language.. like taking best of both worlds/ages – augmented hieroglyphics, tech based graphics

genevieve –


9) #recalibration : The business case for mindset as competitive advantage v @ribbonfarm HT @petervan  deep thinking

Original Tweet:

The plot device that unfolds is a common trope in sci-fi: the problem (or in this case, crime) can only be solved by a particular personality, a unique configuration of beliefs, memories, perspectives, and quirks that can be virtualized, but never simulated.

not even w/in person… ie: bravery to change mind everyday..  this is our ps in the open ness.. via idiosyncratic jargon as encryption ness et al

Both these stories hint at an idea found in both sci-fi novels and current artificial intelligence debates: that subtle shades of subjective consciousness are the only irreducible, indivisible things in the universe —  the quarks out of which souls and narratives are built. Regardless of where you stand on the issue, the implications of this idea can shed light on a much more immediate problem: productivity, from the day-to-day “checking of boxes” kind all the way to the “living a generative life” variety.

Productivity as we know it is based on delayed gratification, which described a world that was predictable and structured. It was clear what you had to do and in what order — it was just a matter of scheduling and pain tolerance. But delayed gratification is obsolete in a world dominated by VUCA, because the pain you’re pulling into the present might not even be necessary, and the gratification you’re pushing into the future might never materialize. It is not at all clear what must be done and in what order; in fact, it becomes ever more clear that most of the tasks we execute don’t make much of a difference, while a tiny percentage randomly and dramatically influence the course of our work and our lives. It makes sense to invest more and more resources in making that distinction, because the absolute fastest way to complete a task or reach an objective is to realize you don’t have to.

supposed to’s

almost didn’t read this article because of tweet calling for competitive advantage…

perhaps we call out competitions/advantages as @fortelabs calls out delayed gratification ie: as irrelevant if living antifragile (more notes from this here)

irrelvant quote vinay


There is one bright side to all this hard work: the only way to *crystallize a state of mind is to use affective triggers to decide what to take notes on and keep. Instead of making a mini-outline of each book and article and podcast you consume, trying to preserve the logical structure of the argument, just wait in low-power mode for reactions like surprise, delight, intrigue, and outrage. This System 1 processing is much faster, less energy intensive, and more intuitive than the more analytical System 2. To take this approach means **your notes will not be neat and ordered, like a Dewey Decimal system for the mind. They will be dominated by the contrarian, by paradoxes, by the inexplicable. Which is exactly the point. Contrarianism is the fastest method for discovering the paradox at the heart of every inexplicable phenomenon.

*crystallize – like this paragraph – esp toward antifragile/uncertain/chaordic documentation.. but the word crystalize sounds death like..

**notes will not be neat .. but contrarian/paradoxical/inexplicable – back to idiosyncratic jargon ness


the more you are you.. the more secure you are.. the more privacy you have. be\cause – in order for someone to get to you, ie: through all your idiosyncratic jargon (that has saved you tons of time not jumping through hoops to practice eudaimonia), they have to get to know you/your stories enough. and that enough ness gets us to i know you ness.. to .. assuming good. (ie: entropy as witness protection program)

so.. 1\ you have this protective (idiosyncratic jargon et al) barrier ish.. and 2\ passing through that barrier from the outside in.. creates/begs empathy/curiosity in people.

most people are other people.. that’s why we do/perpetuate mean things. we lack 2 needs/desires. we all need something else to do. we all need a nother way to live.


imagining a world where we oscillate between idiosyncratic jargon (individual and tribe ish) and a sort of toki pona ness..

tower of babel ness


indigenous: originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native.

thinking.. occurring naturally in each soul..


Jacqueline Novogratz (@jnovogratz) tweeted at 5:36 AM – 17 Oct 2016 :

We need a new vocabulary to stand for Peace… everywhere. Here Mohammed Hanif writes about India/Pakistan (

In the current noise hardly any one notices

new vocab: idiosyncratic jargon

ie: host-life-bits via self-talk as data

tower of babel ness


AtlasLanguageSchool (@Atlas_Dublin) tweeted at 4:55 AM – 30 Dec 2016 :

“A different language is a different vision of life.” – Federico Fellini (

7 bn plus


Ewan McIntosh and Margaret Heffernan

Ewan McIntosh (@ewanmcintosh) tweeted at 1:35 AM on Fri, Mar 10, 2017:
Is jargon actually a loud way to create organisational silence @M_Heffernan? Makes me think of @ottoscharmer1’s levels of listening #sgis17

jargon to create ps in the open… perhaps org silence..?


Richard Feynman asked why/how magnets repel

how does a person answer why something happens..

when you explain a why.. you have to be in some framework that you allowed something to be true.. otherwise.. you’re perpetually asking why..

2 min – you begin to get a very interesting understanding of the world and all its complications.. if try to follow anything up.. you go deeper/deeper in various directions..

3 min – ie: you ok with.. because you slip on ice.. or go deeper as to why.. is ice slippery.. to why does water expand when it freezes and other substances don’t expand.. et al..

i’m not answering your question but i’m telling you how difficult a why question is.. you have to know what it is that you’re permitted to understand and allowed to be understood and known.. and what it is you’re not.. the more i ask why.. it gets interesting.. that’s my idea that the deeper it is the more interesting it is

4 min – when you ask why do magnets repel.. there are many diff levels.. it depends on whether you’re a student or an ordinary person that doesn’t know anything about it.. if you’re somebody that doesn’t know anything at all.. all i can say is that there’s a magnetic force that makes it repel .. and that you’re feeling that force

5 min – it turns out the magnetic and electric force with which i wish to explain these things.. is what ultimately is the deeper thing.. that we have to.. that we can start with to explain many other things that looked like they were.. everybody would just accept them.. you know you can’t put your hand thru the chair.. that’s taken for granted..  but when you can’t put hand thru chair.. you look more closely.. why.. that involves the same repulsive forces that appear in magnets.. the situation you then have to explain is why in magnets.. goes over a bigger distance than an ordinary (chair) … it’s a force that is present all the time.. very common.. a basic force.. almost.. i mean i could go a little further back.. more technical..

6 min – but in the early level i am just gonna have to tell you.. that’s going to be one of the things you’ll just have to take as an element in the world.. magnetic repulsion or electrical/magnetic attraction..

i can’t explain that attraction in anything else that’s familiar to you..

ie: if i would say magnets attracting as if by rubber bands.. i would be cheating you.. because they’re not connected by rubber bands..  and i’d soon be in trouble.. you’d soon ask me about the nature of the bands.. and secondly .. if you were curious enough you’d ask me why rubber bands tend to pull back together again and i would end up explaining that in terms of electrical forces.. which are the very things i’m trying to use the rubber bands to explain.. so i have cheated very badly you see..

so i’m not going to be able to give you an answer.. to why magnets attract each other.. except to tell you they do..

and to tell you that’s one of the elements in the world and diff kinds of forces in the world.. electrical/magnetic/gravitational forces.. and others.. and those are some of the parts..

7 min – if you were a student i could go further.. that magnetic forces are related to electrical forces very intimately.. that relations between the gravitational forces and electrical forces remains unknown.. and so on..

but i really can’t do a good job.. any job.. of explaining magnetic force in terms of something else that you’re more familiar with.. because i don’t understand it in terms of anything else that you’re more familiar with

thinking: idio jargon ness keeps us closer to truth further from cheating.

if we weren’t dealing with diversity and too much to know ness.. then maybe we could do legible as pre-req.. but we are.. we’re swimming in it (uncertainty).

thank goodness.. because that’s what’s changed.. we now have a means to facil that choas.. eagle and condor ness

someone rt d this:

If you cannot explain something in simple terms, you don’t understand it.

Original Tweet:

in simple terms doesn’t necessarily (and plenty of times not) mean terms i can understand..

ie: from above when asked why/how magnets repel

so i’m not going to be able to give you an answer.. to why magnets attract each other.. except to tell you they do.

but i really can’t do a good job.. any job.. of explaining magnetic force in terms of something else that you’re more familiar with.. because i don’t understand it in terms of anything else that you’re more familiar with

again.. thinking: idio jargon ness sets us free from demanding a ..simplicity.. in which we really mean..makes sense to me.. idio ness could help us to see that if people can’t sound bit an answer that makes sense to us.. it doesn’t mean they don’t get it..

less about not getting it and more about not getting me.. not getting the verbiage that makes that connection for me

not yet scrambled .. perhaps what we’re missing is tech as it could be


Sharon Goldwater on google tranlsating w/o transcribing via neural networks

Regina Dugan on facebook’s non-invasive brain-computer interface that will let you type at 100 wpm — by decoding neural activity devoted to speech.


World Economic Forum (@wef) tweeted at 5:52 AM – 15 May 2017 :

The language of dolphins could be translated by 2021 #technology (




unassumed prejudice/hoops as power.. (why idio jargon seems appropriate/fitting)

Doug Peterson (@dougpete) tweeted at 4:53 AM – 13 Oct 2017 :

Tim Cook doesn’t seem to understand that good programmers have to learn English via @flipboard (


PM DJ LIVE  (@IAMDJLIVE) tweeted at 8:01 AM – 12 Feb 2019 :
Dear America,
English is just a language. Not a measure of intelligence.
The rest of the world. (


WIRED (@WIRED) tweeted at 6:32 AM – 14 Jun 2019 :
About 5% of the world speaks English, yet 50% of the web is in English. As companies attempt to get more and more people online, the web will need to start speaking their language. (

idio jargon

language approaching infinity.. and one


Guardian Education (@GuardianEdu) tweeted at 12:15 AM – 11 Feb 2020 :
The Bilingual Brain by Albert Costa review – enlightening and astonishing (

there’s less “egocentric bias” in bilingual children.

imagine a multi-lingual (approaching infinity) world.. built around idio-jargon

what if idiosyncratic jargon ness – is a means to making many of our man-made rules/technologies/ideologies irrelevant. ie: security, privacy, property, encryption, permission, … where we spent less time assuming sound bites are/were the full story

helping us to see that if people can’t sound bit an answer that makes sense to us.. it doesn’t mean they don’t get it..

They are able to see puzzles more easily from another’s point of view (the difference here is as much as 30%). They have greater attentional control: ..less sidetracked ..Because of a greater “cognitive reserve”, bilinguals in many trials have reported the onset of dementia up to four years later than their contemporaries.

we reason differently when we’re struggling, however slightly, for the right words.


from maria on william godwin here:

‘He that is acquainted with only one language, will probably always remain in some degree the slave of language..’ – William Godwin

what if idiosyncratic jargon ness – is a means to making many of our man-made rules/technologies/ideologies irrelevant. ie: security, privacy, property, encryption, permission, … where we spent less time assuming sound bites are/were the full story

language as control/enclosure et al

all the voices/ways


idiot ness


nora bateson (@NoraBateson) tweeted at 2:47 AM on Mon, May 11, 2020:
Everything keeps turning into a “thing” -it is like this culture cannot resist entrenching living ideas into jargon.The living ideas crave language in raw & wiggly description.These terms are freaking kiling me:
Collaborative platform sustainable networks decentralized systemic..

idio-jargon – raw and wiggly

nora bateson (@NoraBateson) tweeted at 3:10 AM on Mon, May 11, 2020:
“We can never be quite clear whether we are referring to the world as it is or to the world as we see it.“ –Gregory Bateson.
This is why it in essential to explore new articulations, new formings of information… This is why we need #WarmData

labels et al


no words.. lanier beyond words law.. rumi words law

language as control/enclosure et al

Carol Cohn


@Sphragydonuxu @MMTLabour @RichardJMurphy @RichardMurphy @davidgraeber “Deficit” is just a wrong word. It means “lack” or “deficient” which doesn’t have relevance to this context. The gov’t doesn’t “have” any money. It doesn’t exist until it is issued to someone else.
our conversation is an example of the confusion which incorrect vocabulary causes.
Original Tweet:

imagining ‘correct’/humane vocab: idio-jargon

language as control/enclosure et al

@Call_Me_Doyle Habermas’s Communucation theory discusses the presence and use of a secondary discourse as a necessity for critical critique of self. Without a sec discourse, we remain unable to self in relationship to other. (Yes it is early in the day to be referencing Habermas:)
Original Tweet:

imagining idio jargon – so i’m not enclosed/controlled by trying to learn your/any language before i (supposedly) have a voice..

also begs we have a deeper convo any time we have a convo.. ie: constantly asking – what do mean by that.. tell me more.. et al

What is #encryption and who needs it for what?’ Read blogpost by @TZerdick following the #EDPS_IPEN workshops that have deepened discussions on encryption and the use of #cryptography
Original Tweet:

idio-jargon.. best/natural encryption for all


from cto (of open ai) greg brockman:

DALL-E — our new neural network for generating images from text:
Original Tweet:

perhaps helpful w being able to pull off idiosyncratic jargon ness – non judgmental/hierarchical listening to word/pic match to augmenting our interconnectedness


from re re reading hannah arendt‘s promise of politics:


The wonder which man endures or which befalls him cannot be related in words because it is too general for words..t

rumi words law et al.. idiosyncratic jargon



why we need a means to undo our hierarchical listening

Arendt, Hannah (2009-01-16). The Promise of Politics (Kindle Locations 838-839). Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

that this speechless wonder is the beginning of philosophy became axiomatic for both plato and aristotle.. and it is this relation to a concrete and unique experience which marked off the socratic school from all former philosophies.. to aristotle, no less than to plato, ultimate truth is beyond words


idiosyncratic jargon as speechless wonder

lanier beyond words law..


For what is true for this wonder, with which all philosophy begins, is not true for the ensuing solitary dialogue itself. Solitude, or the thinking dialogue of the two-in-one, is an integral part of being and living together with others, and in this solitude the philosopher too cannot help but form opinions—he too arrives at his own doxa. His distinction from his fellow citizens is not that he possesses any special truth from which the multitude is excluded, but that he remains always ready to endure the pathos of wonder and thereby avoids the dogmatism of mere opinion holders... in order to be able to compete w this dogmatism.. plato proposed to prolong indefinitely the *speechless wonder which is at the beginning and end of philosophy


inventing anarchy

appropriate participation


from sascha entel’s writing against time:


4) Writing simultaneity


We too can write in this way, and thus we too can conjure the unfolding of the indifferent, unstable, and indeterminate world beyond time – the world of simultaneity. Thus we can take the linear unfolding of the concept of a tree in (as) time (“a tree consists of roots in the soil, a stem emerging, branches shooting off, and leaves sprouting”) and rewrite it in such a way that the concept loses its sway and the tree’s conjuring on the page is there and not there, and not not-there, like the wind-wolf and the dance of leaves:





And this we can read continuously: indifferently, unstably, unfixedly..tEach sign is a letter and not a letter and not not a letter; an animal or a plant; a symbol or a gesture. The owls are a letter O or an animal or both or neither, and are the same and not the same, or are both the same and not the same, or are neither the same nor not the same. The fish dominant or close by in the top left is a letter E and is not a letter E but is the same as the fish below it, and is not not a letter nor the fish below it, or is both and neither. Insects, fawns, caterpillars are letters N, E, and U, or are not those letters but form unstable constellations with other letters living as plants, and are entangled or not entangled with waves which are and are not and are not not letters L and which are and are not and are not not gestures to rivers and ponds nearby, marking perhaps where I write them or where you read them. Again weights and shields and tangled strings are letters E and TO and O or are not these but are symbols or are not symbols but are plants, or are all of these in simultaneous unstable movements, rhythmic emergence of conventional legibility, symbolic legibility, living legibility, and again rhythmic disappearance of any or all of the three. The arrows mark the soaring of eagles or the letter I or the ascent of the cormorant resting beside them, or again all of these or none of these or some of these. Letters are there and not there and not not-there,.. t deferring the linear unfolding of concepts, complicating the constitution of syntheses, complicating the reign of time.Protention and retention, and thus the bleedthrough of time in the form of the present, are not altogether erased here, as they are not on the Dark Age vases. This can only be a first step. But reading continuously, in this way or another, deeper way yet to be developed, allows us to move further and further towards the world of continuous unfolding, of indifferent, unstable, unfixed simultaneity – the world of presence beyond the form of the present and beyond time.

idiosyncratic jargon as means to global detox/reset leap.. for (blank)’s sake



