no train


same on issuu:


red flag: it’s saying people aren’t enough

no prep


a nother way of whimsy/curiosity via hosting-life-bits ness

whyte plan/live law


Bruce L. Smith (@numbalum89) tweeted at 7:25 PM – 21 Mar 2018 :

I think that in any coercive system, what you see is more accurately described as “training,” not “learning.” (


Harold Jarche (@hjarche) tweeted at 6:14 AM – 18 Apr 2018 :

Training looks at how people currently do work and then gets others to replicate this. These are described as competencies, made up of certain, skills, knowledge, and attitudes. The assumption is that what works today will work tomorrow


zenext (@zenext) tweeted at 8:09 AM – 27 Jan 2011 :
@technoshaman: Jim Carse, In/Finite Games: To be prepared against surprise is to be trained. To be prepared for surprise is to be educated. (


huge to this.. fromm spontaneous law


mumford non-specialized law


peter on natural reading/learning – from 2013 – why natural learning fails in classrooms:

The classroom is all about training.  Training is the process of getting reluctant organisms to do or learn what the trainer wants them to do or learn.  Under those conditions, methods that focus on the mechanical processes underlying reading—the conversion of sights to sounds—work better than methods that attempt to promote reading through meaning, which requires that students care about the meaning, which requires that they be able to follow their own interests, which is not possible in the classroom.

no train

let’s just facil daily curiosity  ie: cure ios city


voluntary compliance .. manufacturing consent.. wilde not us law.. freedom.. spinach or rock.. domestication.. et al

supposed to’s.. of school/work as cancer
