zinn energy law

zinn quote on people energy


zinn energy law: society could use the enormous energy now idle .. the skills and talents now unused – howard zinn


Howard Zinn


upcycling human spirit

thurman alive law

norton productivity law

Not many people in my situation have stories that go as well as mine. I think all the time about all the lives we throw away in America.

a nother way. ie: hlb via 2 convos that io dance.. as the day..[aka: not part\ial.. for (blank)’s sake…]..

panhandle\ing ness

graeber grant law

Deb Mills-Scofield (@dscofield) tweeted at 4:51 AM – 8 Jul 2018 :
Find your spirit, and no challenge will keep you from achieving your goals. – Christopher Penn #quote (http://twitter.com/dscofield/status/1015911158275067904?s=17)

