regina dugan

dugan bw

intro’d here:

cnn 10

“Solving the problem must matter. It must instill a sense of urgency,” she said. “And that urgency cannot be created in the abstract; it has to be real to inspire greater genius.”


regina dugan at conf


oooh.  the wearables.. tattoo…

perhaps as Dennis said – c app et al – could be a means to get motorola in 100% of humanity…




dugan from darpa to google


2o14 – at poptech – love and work

courage has no minimum age

1\ the odds are irrelevant. if it’s possible and it matters you take the shot.

2\ if the odds don’t matter.. every moment does.

3\ if you want to make a difference in someone’s life.. showing up is key

rebellion – short hand for refusing to accept the odds, for making every moment matter, and for showing up

work is how we make love visible

when you work with love you bind yourself to yourself and to one another – kabril

if you want to find your greatest love.. look inside the hardest thing you do.. that’s where it will be.


ted 2012:

From mach-20 glider to hummingbird drone

when you remove fear of failure – the impossible becomes possible

we can’t both fear failure and make amazing things

14 min – internet home to 2 billion people

nerds – remind us we can change the world if we defy the impossible.. we all have nerd power

17 min – what would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail – there isn’t anyone else – there’s just you

there is only time enough to iron your cape… and back to the skies for you. jason harley (email to regina)


Daniel Suarez

Neil Gershenfeld


sept 2014:


wear able ness


type directly from brain at 100 words per minute via

Regina Dugan, PhD, Facebook VP of Engineering, Building8, revealed today (April 19, 2017) at Facebook F8 conference 2017 a plan to develop a non-invasive brain-computer interface that will let you type at 100 wpm — by decoding neural activity devoted to speech.


Dugan also described a system that may one day allow hearing-impaired people to hear directly via vibrotactile sensors embedded in the skin. “In the 19th century, Braille taught us that we could interpret small bumps on a surface as language,” she said. “Since then, many techniques have emerged that illustrate our brain’s ability to reconstruct language from components.” Today, she demonstrated “an artificial cochlea of sorts and the beginnings of a new a ‘haptic vocabulary’.”

Dugan’s presentation can be viewed in the F8 2017 Keynote Day 2 video (starting at 1:08:10).

Sharon Goldwater on google translating w/o transcribing via neural networks

idiosyncratic jargon as our means to .. beyond words.. in order to hear all the .. no words.. since communication never finished..

hosted-life-bits via self-talk as data

because – what is legible ness.. who decides..