p2p foundation

p2p foundaation site

founder/president/curator:  Michel Bauwens.. (other 2 founders)

  • the zero node website, i.e. the site of the P2P Foundation, would have a website with directories, an electronic newsletter and blog, and a magazine. It aims to be one of the places where people can interconnect and strengthen each other, and discuss topics of common interest.

Michel Bauwens, November 29, 2005

The P2P Foundation has several nodes on the web: a wiki,blog, a social network, and an email discussion list. Each has an administrator.


cosmo local ness

p2p theory: https://wiki.p2pfoundation.net/Sources_of_P2P_Theory

How do we arrive at hypotheses, interpretations and conclusions in the P2P Foundation, and in particular how did we arrive at our theoretical framing? We will focus on the practical and concrete research and experiences elsewhere, but here we focus on the sources of our theoretical insights, by going through the key books of the most significant authors who influenced us.


intro to p2p via  blog via Michel oct 2013:

p2p is a global research collaboratory.. action research ish

copyright/patent making it more difficult for people to share.. 

do it as a community..  not for scarcity..

4:29 – all kinds of collab – consumption is one – mutualize physical resources, you have to share knowledge as common good – crowdsourcing – not collabing because you compete with logo.. c.. fb – sharing but not constructing something in common..

7 min – sharing vs cheating – maybe they were sharing.. when we thought they were cheating

low hanging fruit – knowledge and software code… making physical is more demanding.. how to move from immaterial peer production to material peer production… what if we do this with money, machinery, energy.. 

10 min – talking about a commons – a post- capitalist system (making things to make a profit)

12 – what does it take to go from prototype stage to mainstream – 


p2p on ed:

p2p on ed


Michel’s tiny little 6 mos project in equador… 1st sharing country..

flok society



atomic energy can be used for good (energy) or for bad (war),
Thus, the emergence of peer to peer as a phenomena spanning the whole social field is not ‘caused’ by technology; it is rather the opposite, the technology reflects a new way of being and feeling,
Society is not just a physical arrangement, or a rational-functional arrangement, but everything is experienced symbolically and reflects a meaning that cannot be reduced to the real or the rational. It is the product of a ‘radical social imaginary’.
In this context, peer to peer is the product of a newly arising radical social imaginary. Nevertheless, this does not mean that technology is not an important factor.
he development of P2P technology is an extraordinary vector for its generalization as a social practice, beyond the limitations of time and space, i.e. geographically bounded small bands. What we now have for the first time is a densely interconnected network of affinity-based P2P networks. Thus, the technological format that is now becoming dominant, is an essential part of a new feedback loop, which strengthens the emergence of P2P to a degree not seen since the demise of tribal civilization. It is in this particular way that the current forms of P2P are a historical novelty, and not simply a repeat of the tolerated forms of egalitarian participation in essentially hierarchical and authoritarian social orders.




nov 2014

shared by Michelp2p foundation – on fb:



knowledge as a common


city ness

money ness


feb 20 2014:

Meeting on Sensorica’s open value accounting system with the p2pValue research group


new p2p blog (feb 2016):

p2p foundation

from about page:

hat it offers not only youth but people of all ages a vision of renewal and hope to create a world that is more in tune with their values; that it creates a new language and discourse in tune with the new historical phase of ‘cognitive capitalism’. P2P is a language which every digital literate can understand. However, ‘peer-to-peer theory’ addresses itself not only to knowledge workers and the network-enabled but to the whole of civil society, and to whoever agrees that the core of decision-making should be located in civil society, not in the market or in the state, and that the latters should be the servants of civil society.

perhaps problem is more meta… ie: who keeps deciding on the decisions to be made… and that decisions need a consensus… perhaps.. we just need better.. coord.. re grouping.. facilitating…
esp.. listening … deciding… w/o agenda..
thinking louis‘ unu magnets dragging/pulling the puck..
why is there a puck…?.
intro to p2p – videos via Michel:

p1 – what is p2p

p2p is a permissionless way of communicating w/each other but also creating value with each other… diff today.. w/tech.. can now scale global.. can scale small group dynamics

if you can freely join common project.. no one can tell you what to do.. so need a new form of governance and property..

p 2 – p2p politics

start organizing the world the way you want it to be – reconstructing society and fighting injustice… reconstruction of politics around notion of the commons

p 3 – economics

citizens become productive force as value – now an ethical market econ… new form of state – partner state – how does this work w/ dominant system…  ie: when have to make a living.. have to work for company.. we need to make commons production autonomous… so people need open coops… to create own livelihoods… 3 main ways to react to econ crisis 1\ sustainability 2\ solidarity 3\ sharing … we need to build bridges between those three..

p 4 – copyfair licenses

value created in communities stays w/in common hood to create livelihood.. ie: open coops.. shared knowledge/infrastructure… and open coop co produces a common.. open coop 1\social goal – not profit making 2\ multi stake holder 3\ co production of commons.. 4\ takes global view.. alt to private/profit companies… 5\ work on licensing.. copy left – everyone can contribute and use… also big companies… copy fair.. only thing it changes is that if you want to use commons w/o contributing.. have to pay…   6\ open source circular econ…   7\ open value .. or contributary accounting… rish capture of value of many by few… a fair contract w/in contributive communities


transformative proposals… 2015 – [much like Michel‘s talk at cu boulder april 2016]:



A Synthesis of the Findings of P2P Theory: Ten Years After bit.ly/1NIZMtk
pretty much recap of talk I just took in (via Michel – may 2016 – berkman center w Yochai)..
1/  network: commons
2/ market: ethical
3/ govt: for benefit (for all people/ nature)
1/ productive (N- network),,, contribute to commons
2/ ethical (M- market).. based on needs/livelihood
3/ beneficial (I- institution).. doesn’t direct.. but allows space resources to happen


taken from convo on fb (aug 2016) about steemit not being p2p.. mostly adding words from Michel:

michel: so to answer Rogier … why is it not p2p ? the answer is, where is the commons, are the people primariliy competing as individuals, or constructing something together

roger: Thanks for your clear response. So whether or not some organizational structure is P2P depends not so much on the structure but on the intention behind it?

michel: dear Rogier, no no, not just intent, the actual concrete practice, is the design dominated by the creation of internal competition for tokens ? or is it designed to create a common resource through cooperation … of course, the design depends on the intent, but you can have a good design by accident without the intent, or, good intent, but lack of knowledge of what that means for the design ; the intent can be unconscious, a value-sensitive design analysis would uncover it .. so , if the members of a community are unconciously convinced that people need to be incentivized (i.e. believe that external motivation is the key), rather than say, believe that people are internally, intrinsically motivated … clearly in the case of steemit, it seems the underlying belief is that people are writing for money or tokens; while the huffington post believes the people are intrinsically motivated (and they ‘extract’ value from that); also look at the governance models, is everything based on individuals contracting with each other; or is it based on measures of dialogue and common discussion .


Michel share on fb:

P2P Value is a landmark study because it is the first long (3-year) scientific study of 300+ peer production communities, and it largely confirms the ten years of empirical observations that form the basis of P2P Theory and the documentation in the P2P Foundation Wiki. Our team was also one of the 8 partners in the consortium. Here are some interesting findings, which I would like to highlight: [ 1,716 more word ]


Here are some interesting findings, which I would like to highlight:

1. These communities are also ‘imaginary communities’ with specific values, ….

2. A majority of 78% of these communities are practicing, preparing and/or looking into open value or contributory accounting systems; …..

3. Reputation capital is a fictitious commodity that has an effective capacity to drive and allocate resources to these common projects.

This document is therefore a must-read for the P2P and Commons community


“The publication of Yochlai Benkler’s The Wealth of Networks in 2006 introduced the notion of Commons based peer production (CBPP) to the theoretical vocabulary of the social sciences.


(In Michel Bauwens’ (2005) words CBPP communities are self-organized ‘adhocracies’: organizational structures and hierarchies emerges as a consequence of practice and members invest significant time and energy in developing organizational forms and governance systems as they go along.)


To Benkler CBPP is primarily a civic, rather than an economic phenomenon. As such it is driven by virtues, which he understands to be beyond calculation (Benkler, 2006:109). And although he concedes that it is sometimes possible to construct economic explanations for participation in CBPP communities (as in the early work of Lerner & Tirole, 2002), this, he suggests, somehow does violence to the phenomenon:

indeed.. violence.. via the measuring..


This non-economic nature of CBPP is central to Benkler’s whole theory. Not only does it serve to separate CBPP from markets and hierarchies, but it is also key to the civic and political potential of this movement.


top 10 trends in 2016

Top Ten P2P Trends of 2016 – P2P Foundation https://t.co/JInUD6Idk4

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/KevinCarson1/status/816792631925764096

1\ struggle for appropriate scale

2\ infrastructure.. 2017 yr of pilots

3\ coop econ in rojava – platform coop

4\ commons renaissance in w eu cities

5\ super competent democracies – fake news

6\ politicisation of commons

7\ p2p value report finding on existing peer production communities

8\ tech sovereignty

9\ gender/race.. diversity

fb share by Michel

I started writing the final synthesis of our annual list, preview of Trend 1:

Trend 1: The struggle for the appropriate scale of a new world order: Localization, Global Nomadic Structures, and the Subsidiarity of Material Production[edit]
Indeed, what Bosserman describes is the loss of faith in bigger centralized structures, such as the nation-state, and a huge return to the necessity and feeling of localization. And we can see it everywhere. In 2016, a study on the Flanders by the Green think thank Oikos, confirmed the results of an earlier study by Tine de Moor in her booklet Homo Cooperans: there has been a tenfold increase in local civic initiatives over the last ten years, and many of those involve the creation of commons-based shared resources at the local level. So yes, there is indeed a demonstrated exponential rise of urban commons inititiatives. With Christian Iaoione and his colleagues of LabGov, and with Vasilis Niaros of the P2P Lab, we have undertaken a analysis of 40 urban commons case studies (half of them from the Global South), which confirms the present sophistication not just of the project individually, but of public urban policies that support them.
At the same time though, the internet continues to exerce itself as a technology for global neo-nomadic structures. In our list from last year, we mentioned the huge underground neo-nomadic economy of the transmigrants described in the Alain Tarius’ seminal book (Etrangers de Passage) on the ‘poor to poor, peer to peer’ infrastructures. This year, we witnessed the international expansion of the kind of peer to peer entrepreneurial coalitions we are following, such as the Enspiral collective. On the geeky side, infrastructures such as the Embassy Networks, ImpactHub and other franchises are continuing their development apace, creating ‘circular territories’ or territories of circulation that are not confined to borders and nation-states. Our own report, Value in the Commons, co-written with Vasilis Niaros, highlights three cases studies of how such global entre-donneurial (i.e. generative towards the commons, rather than extractive) coalitions are developing complex contributory accounting systems. The P2P Value study, which studied 300 peer production communities over 3 years, with the P2P Foundation as member of that consortium, unearther significant findings under-writing our theses on these global governance mechanisms. For example, in Adam Arvidsson’s (et al.) concluding esssay on the findings, he found that a majority of 78% of these communities are practicing, preparing and/or looking into open value or contributory accounting systems; again, this is significant since changes in accounting practices and philosophies have accompanied the great value regime transitions in the past. Just as important are the findings on the new post-natioanl ideologies being born in such communities: these communities are also ‘imaginary communities’ with specific values, i..e. they want to make the world a better place, i.e. they are ethical communities not just profit-maximising entities, and their identification is in global networks, not just the locales they are embedded in. This is historically important since it echoes the birth of nation-states as imaginary communities (see Benedict Anderson’s landmark book on this topic). As one neo-tribal advocate [3] writes: “Neotribes aspire to be both grounded in the local and connected to the global.”
The issue that is raised here is how to compose the contradictory yearnings for localization, with the emergence of global trans-national structures, practices and mentalities that are occuring at the same time. At the P2P Foundation, we believe there is a logic which ‘transcends and includes’ the advantages and necessities of both localization and trans-nationalization: what we call Cosmo-Localization as a organizational principle for the organization of society at all levels (what’s light is shared globally, what’s heavy is organized and produced locally). Applied to industrial and material production, our friends at the P2P Lab call this methodology: DGML (‘Design Global, Manufacture Local’) and a prime expression of this are the plans of the Fab City coalition (of which we are now a part as well), which works around the Barcelona Pledge, to re-localize the production of products, services and food by a factor of 50% by 2054, and which now coalesces 16 cities. One of the main expressions. and drivers of such trans-nationalization may well be international coalitions of cities such as this one. In the last few weeks, thinking through the tension between localization and trans-nationalization, I have come up with the concept of ‘the subsidiarity of material production’, which marries both imperatives, and can be clearly distinguished from both nation-state protectionism, neolilberal globalization, but also simple reactice localism.


jan 2017

“Peer-to-peer: a new opportunity for the left” by @mbauwens & Vasilis Kostakis https://t.co/Sa4slyD86Y@P2P_Foundation #P2P https://t.co/uVQ4ObrY9e

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/ROAR_Magazine/status/819625741562314752

  1. P2P is a type of social relations in human networks;

  2. P2P is also a technological infrastructure that makes the generalization and scaling up of such relations possible;

  3. P2P thus enables a new mode of production and exchange;

  4. P2P creates the potential for a transition to an economy that can be generative towards people and nature.

    We believe that these four aspects will profoundly change human society


the P2P relational dynamic — strengthened by particular forms of technological capacities — may become the dominant way of allocating the necessary resources for human self-reproduction, and thus replace capitalism as the dominant form.


On the one side, for example, we can consider the capitalism of Facebook, Uber or Bitcoin. On the other, we can look at the commons-oriented models of Wikipedia or free/open-source software projects.


That said, we argue that as long as peer producers or commoners cannot engage in their own self-reproduction outside of capital accumulation, it remains a proto-mode of production, not a full one.


the new class of commoners cannot rely on capitalist investment and practices. They must use skillful means to render commons-based peer production more autonomous from the dominant political economy. E

host-life-bits.. as the day [aka: not part\ial.. for (blank)’s sake…]


we should strive to escape the situation in which capitalists co-opt the commons, and head towards a situation in which the commons capture capital, and make it work for its own development.

This proposed strategy of reverse cooptation has been called “transvestment” by telekommunists Dmytri Kleiner and Baruch Gottlieb. Transvestment describes the transfer of value from one modality to another. In our case this would be from capitalism to the commons. Thus transvestment strategies aim to help commoners become financially sustainable and independent. Such strategies are being developed and implemented by commons-oriented entrepreneurial coalitions such as the Enspiral network or Sensorica.



Stacco Troncoso


@monk51295 https://t.co/kKUfs4ZjD6

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/KevinCarson1/status/1004430451463901184

post about Stefan Heidenreich‘s book.. for a non money econ

at beginning of post from p2p:

At the P2P Foundation, we are watching closely any development which points to post-capitalist coordination of economic production, using tools like open and contributive accounting, open and shared logistics verified by holochains, biocapacity accountability using ‘thresholds and allocations’, and other social and technological innovations being pioneered by advanced peer production communities. It is still a very lonely place to be, even though the space is growing exponentially at the margins of society. So it is with particular interest that we will look at this new German-language book, which examines in depth the technological developments around post-monetary coordination. If you know of other developments in this area, do let us know. We keep track of developments here.

less about coordination.. more about setting people free first.. and listening to that

let’s really let go of money/measure.. as it could be..

ie: hlb via 2 convos that io dance.. as the day..[aka: not part\ial.. for (blank)’s sake…]..  a nother way


michel fb share

the new issue of the Journal of Peer Production is out:

“Technology is never neutral, as the saboteurs remind us in their communique; but neither should digital technologies be viewed as hard-wired and deterministic (Matthewman 2011). Technologies embody and advance ever-evolving constellations of social values, choices and power geometries. Technologies are adaptable, depending upon the situations in which they are produced and put to work. Technologies form part of dominant sociotechnical regimes which can be both hegemonic and hackable, and whose trajectories of development can be opened up and altered. The experience of using, say, a router in a community-project dedicated to the participatory provision of street-furniture that reclaims a public space, is quite different to that of machining for one’s boss in a factory, where the operative has no control and is alienated from the flat-pack furniture being sold. The sociotechnical configurations are different. The significance of the technological element employed within these configurations is different. The social relationships tied together and mediated by the technologies are different. The value created and distributed is different. Makerspaces enable such sociotechnical experimentation. But is the experimentation not as open, inclusive and progressive as many of us had assumed?”

We should not devalue makerspaces simply because they lack the agency to overturn institutional logics all by themselves.

begs gershenfeld sel


Vasilis Kostakis

Samer Hassanp2p models

Evi Swinnen


bauwens in australia sept2018

p2p is a non profit based in the netherlands.. a network and research org

what we do .. observe and analyze the emergence of the commons as a new modality of organizing life, society and the economy..t

p2p.. common/ing

and the commons being a shared resource that is maintained by a group of people/stakeholders, which has its own rules/norms.. neither a market/state.. somewhere in between.. which has always existed.. but is now able to scale up at a global level thru tech..t

begs that tech focus on listening first.. ie: tech as it could be


Johan Nygren – on mental illness.. and alts

note: michel adds later.. he doesn’t believe mental illness what the article says

Clyde Gaw : Do I think mental illness is a definition of power differentials? No.

m: I don’t think so either


via michel fb share – nov 2018 – michel 42 min interview – how p2p can change the world

I don’t think the official summary reflects well what I said in that video, it is more reflective of the work we did in Ecuador in 2014, which focused on commonifying knowledge to enable production; but we have since moved much more explicitely in the logics of actual and concrete physical production itself.

So this talk is much more about how to achieve a real circular economy, that is generative and not extractive and that can co-exist with a thriving planet, or in a nutshell:

” How shared permacircular supply chains, post-blockchain distributed ledgers, protocol cooperatives, and three new forms of post-capitalist accounting, could very well save the planet”

notes from 42 min talk

16 min – want to switch from extractive ineq
18 min – no mech to fund these positive externalities.. so that’s a key issue i want to tackle.. ie: open share supply chains.. how many years would it take to get circular econ.. would take too long.. we don’t have the time
19 min – using bc and distributed ledger.. would have a massive coordination that has become visible..  so enter bio capacity accountability.. ie: how much gold/copper you can use w/o destroying the planet
23 min – guy standing – (and yanis) – rent taking
pretty sure i’ve listened to this and taken notes.. but can’t find them
found it:

40 min soundcloud – oct 2018

Michel Bauwens (@mbauwens) tweeted at 6:50 AM – 9 Nov 2018 :
Michel Bauwens on the Commons and the Circular Economy – P2P Foundation https://t.co/kouwQtTy0W (http://twitter.com/mbauwens/status/1060892315143884801?s=17)

16 min – want to switch from model that only does extraction.. doing this creates ineq/climate change.. imagine a mode of production.. in which externalities are part of system

18 min – today no mech to fund positive externalities.. how could you even get a circle econ.. we don’t have the time

19 min – using blockchain..  mass coord.. that’s become physical.. context based sustainability..

21 min – have to do same way we think about platforms.. ie: social ills from like air bnb and uber..  so.. let’s set platform co-ops.. collectively managed by stakeholder groups stays w shareholders

23 min – i’m personally in favor of bi.. ie: me.. had hard time finding a business model for my work.. guy standing.. and yanis  – rent taking.. land value tax.. if do labor.. shouldn’t be taxed.. but if rewarded by work of others.. this is rent.. should be taxed..  use that for commons well fund.. eventually to fund bi.. for people who are *doing the things that need to be done

*who decides that..?

26 min – open source econ has 1\ community 2\ market 3\ foundations.. good analogy how state could be in future

28 min – happening .. we just need to make it more conscious

29 min – ostrom said of commons – it’s multi stakeholder governance

30 min – i think at moment nation state in crisis.. but i think cities.. ie: leagues of cities.. w transition councils.. (mobility, food, habitat).. want more local/fair .. so start funding experimentation.. but underlying infra such be global.. so create global resource repository.. every city can use it and local co-ops can set up on this infra

32 min – people mostly concerned about food.. and food is easiest to do.. ie: ghent

33 min – on my wish list is that i could set up such a project in a city like brussels.. .. to show that this can work.. that we can create meaningful engagement /activity locally.. t

cure ios city.. a people experiment

34 min – constitutions talk common good.. not profit max.. so any profit max is not constitutional.. judge co’s in their ability to do common good.. they have developed 17 indicators..

38 min – i’m not saying we should commodify nature.. i’m saying people who can prove they have beneficial social/econ should be funded.. we have way too much income tax and way to littel environ tax

39 min – not enough people are looking at the big picture.. this is the role of p2p..t

deep enough

40 min – people don’t see commons.. because they don’t know what it is.. it’s all around you have to learn to see it..



Michel Bauwens (@mbauwens) tweeted at 4:40 AM – 20 Feb 2019 :
Two Questions Could Help Save Us From Collapse https://t.co/jp3NOzsD3Lhttps://t.co/MhkojqYK8c (http://twitter.com/mbauwens/status/1098185739370672128?s=17)

article by @JohnBoik

It’s not news that human civilization and ecosystems are at risk of collapse .. What might be news is that we can do something to help change course, without waiting for governments to act, or even asking governments to act.

ie: a nother way – via 3 ship\ables

First, let’s clarify the goal. We wish to thrive, not just survive. We want healthy communities where collective wellbeing runs high and the environment is protected and restored.

eudaimoniative surplus

1\ Out of all conceivable designs for systems of social self-organization, which ones might improve wellbeing, resilience, and sustainability the most?..t

cure ios city

 a scientific question at heart, begging for rigorous study, not mere opinions. And yet it’s also a question to be pondered by everyone on the planet.

2\  If we were to develop new, high quality systems, how could we best implement and monitor them?.. t

via 2 convers as infra

This too is a scientific question at heart.

our big problems are symptoms of a deeper defect.

the dysfunction is due to the mechanics of our systems — their very designs, built-in motivations, concentration of power, and embodied world views.

We’re ripe for sweeping change.

You might think that universities or research groups would have long ago started work on such important questions. *But almost no one has. Perhaps political pressures or funding realities have gotten in the way. Or perhaps it’s because core fields like complex systems science, cognitive science, and ecology needed to mature a bit before questions about societal self-organization could arise. Whatever the reason, **the work has barely started.

*perhaps.. not gone deep enough yet

**depends on who you ask.. where you look/listen

If in this moment you’re thinking about comparing socialism to capitalism, I’d ask you to think bigger and further outside the box. Those are economic systems, not whole-system, integrated approaches to demonstrably improve wellbeing, resilience, and sustainability.

Rather than thinking of isms, it might be better to think of *biology..t Humans are highly social animals. Our communities and societies are akin to living organisms — metaorganisms, if you will, composed of many interacting individuals. Just like biological organisms, the natural purpose of a society is to learn, rise to challenges, adapt to changing conditions, and solve problems that matter. **Learning requires information, and so also information processing. Action requires decisions and thus decision-making processes..t

*and physics and chem et al ie: short/bit

**both could/would happen if we let go (aka: trust) enough to simply facil daily curiosities

Start there. What kinds of designs for whole, integrated systems might best help us to perceive, process, communicate, learn, predict, make decisions, and orchestrate action, at scale, as communities and societies, in order to solve problems and thereby increase social and environmental wellbeing? And how would they be monitored and measured?

With better systems of self-organization we could *increase our capacity to solve problems and improve conditions within our communities..t

*if we focus less on assumed/manufactured (ie: supposed to’s.. of school/work) problems (besides these two – missing pieces – deep enough to resonate w all of us today).. perhaps there would be less problems..

cooperate, by design and by choice, in successfully solving *problems that matter..t

a story about people grokking *what matters.. rather than problems that matter.. big diff

@monk51295 Thanks Monika. I’m not seeing them as different. A problem that matters is one that people understand as being a meaningful problem. An example of a problem with little meaning (say, for many/most employees of a corporation) could be ‘how to maximize corporate profits?’

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/JohnBoik/status/1098266219323494401

yeah.. i’m just wondering/imagining that if we were to give ourselves a do-over/reset and just focused on daily curiosity.. if we’d even have employees/corps.. et al


p2p commons manifesto


Michel Bauwens (@mbauwens) tweeted at 8:00 PM on Wed, Aug 07, 2019:
Collective Enlightenment Through Postmetaphysical Eyes – P2P Foundation https://t.co/gxX7xBAZAH

New forms of mediation grounded in higher forms of consciousness are necessary in this transition to, and eventual dominance of, an ecologically sound collective enlightenment..t

ai humanity needs.. augmenting interconnectedness.. to get back/to an undisturbed ecosystem: ‘in undisturbed ecosystems ..the average individual, species, or population, left to its own devices, behaves in ways that serve and stabilize the whole..’ –Dana Meadows

ie: 2 convers as infra.. tech as it could be


Michel Bauwens (@mbauwens) tweeted at 6:30 AM on Wed, Dec 11, 2019:
If you ever need a very short intro to our latest themes at the p2p foundation, then this in my opinion well edited video does the job excellently !!
https://t.co/NicZF4Kala ;

Done at the amazing Brussels-based  DigiYser makerspace, in an event organized by Lilina Carillo.

5 min video

we are an observatory of all human practices of what we call p2p dynamic.. so the free association of individuals thru networks.. and it allows the scaling of collab on a global scale

1 min – we also look into what we call the commons.. so shared resources/knowledge.. a collab ecosystem..

happening in a lot of places.. so we just look at that.. how it works.. but we also promote one model which we call cosmo local production.. everything heavy is local.. and everything light is global and shared

2 min – what open source has brought to the world is called stigmergy.. free/mutual coord thru signaling.. everybody sees whole game.. so in real time adapt behavior..

i don’t think stigmergy.. at least the way i see it.. uses accounting.. any form of measuring.. it’s more about listening (tech as it could be)

3 min – but in order to do this in production we need accounting.. and this is why blockchain is a real revolution..t

if we believe in and want to truly see common\ing in an undisturbed ecosystem.. we have to let go of accounting.. any form of measuring

or if you want to use the word accounting and/or blockchain.. let’s use blockchain (or whatever) to account for 8b daily curiosities.. use that as our data to augment our interconnectedness

if you allow everybody to share .. big co’s dominate your ecosystem.. so we are for copyfair.. so we say knowledge out of commercialization.. everyone gets that .. but if want to make money out of work.. you have to someone reciprocate

that’s not sharing.. at least not true common\ing .. reciprocity and obligation.. killers/disturbance to an undisturbed ecosystem..

4 min – third aspect.. generative.. for people and nature.. and not extractive..

why don’t cities get together.. (w finance) and create the infra software we need to mutualize provisioning systems in cities..

rather.. w/o finance (money any form of measuring/accounting is a distraction/poison/disturbance/compromise).. let’s try 2 convers as infra via tech as it could be..

ie: cure ios city

means .. if you want to change.. need to be not industrial but industrious

rather.. not industrial/industrious.. but curious


michel fb share

Multifactory Models for the Community Economy

Once in a while, I have ‘aha’ moments, when things click together and you say, YES, THIS IS IT.

We have been talking and researching about cosmo-local production models, but what I did not realize is how spread out this model already is, and that this publication alone counts 120 examples of it Europe alone. THIS IS A MUST READ ABOUT EMERGING POST-CORPORATE MODELS, AT THE LOCAL LEVEL, BUT IT ALSO INTEGRATIONS BOTH INTERNAL COLLABORATION AND LOTS OF OPEN SOURCE SHARING.

* Article: The rise of community economy : from coworking spaces to the multifactory model. By Lorenza Victoria Salati, Giulio Focardi. – Sarajevo : Udruženje Akcija, 2018.

“We want to understand and to show this new idea of workplaces: local, fast, easy, versatile, sustainable under a social and environmental point of view. … The result of this research is the Multifactory Model, a model of intervention designed to be a guide for all those who want to create, from scratch, a shared workspace based on concepts of collaboration, mutual aid, social innovation, sustainability, and the free flow of knowledge”


The three key principles of the multi-factory model are:

  • to be a community project,
  • have diversity and
  • a productive vocation.
deeper.. sans money (any form of measuring/accounting)


michel fb share mar 2020:

in a very dense nutshell, what p2p theory is about:

p2p and commoning are a relational dynamic for value exchange, creating a specific institutional sector (the commons) that is a characteristic of a transformed civic society, and that creates new relations with the state and market institutions; the contemporary commons are based on open networks; so the market works around price for exchange; the state works around planning and redistribution; civil society works around commoning , and the household is marked by the gift; four modes of exchange, for modes of relating, four forms of coordination; the institution for commoning is the commons, the primary form of civil society; the institution for value-based exchange is the market; the institution for equity based distribution is the state; the gift concerns households and groups in their private capacity, with the family and community as institutions if you like; ; networks are the dominant form of open contributive commons


in comments:

John Morton Interesting summary, but a couple key components of p2p as technology seems to me to be emergence and dissolution. None of those institutions – or really in general, the act of institutionalization – are emergent, nor do they really dissolve once a set of tasks are complete.

I can agree that they can be organization in p2p models, but we are in such an interesting place from a technical perspective I think almost every one of those assumptions can be completely reinterpreted with the kind of value systems that might emerge with p2p/commons technology.

indeed.. all we need is common\ing .. via daily curiosity  ie: cure ios city (as it could be)

otherwise spinning wheels into tragedy of the non common

thinking restate/update 7.18.. and 2\ short findings restate in 2019


michel fb share:

10 years of fine tuning and only adding exceptional ones:

50+ key Essays to understand the commons, selected by Michel Bauwens – P2P Foundation http://ow.ly/8NLL30qFg5V

Each essay illuminates the commons from a particular and unique perspective; together they shine a bright light on the topic

first line of link says:

The following list are must-read essays for anyone trying to understand the various aspects of the emerging peer to peer paradigm.

(and then followed by 31 essays)

yeah.. i don’t know.. i think if we think we must read something.. it’s a red flag we’re doing it wrong.. the killing ness of supposed to ness is part of tragedy of the non common

literacy and numeracy both elements of colonialism.. we need to calculate differently and stop measuring things.. stop thinking we need to study/research in order to understand the truly basic needs.. the things we can only/already see with our heart.. the things we could be focusing on as a new/old infra (ie: 2 convers as infra) .. the things that would allow us to leap over all the lists/research/readings/too-much-ness

if it’s not simple enough for 8b people to resonate with today.. there won’t be a leap.. and humanity needs a leap.. to get back/to simultaneous spontaneity  .. simultaneous fittingness.. everyone in sync..



oct 2020 michel adds – sources of p2p theory page – to p2p site: https://wiki.p2pfoundation.net/Sources_of_P2P_Theory

kevin listed in contemp researchers – yay (jordan?)

elinor‘s governing commons as only one so far in commons – oi – perpetuating tragedy of the non common ness

and no andreas in eco/bio bit

_______global governance

