tim o’reilly

tim oreilly

not sure when i was first intro’d to Tim.. but my first recollection now.. is from aaron swartzinternet’s own boy..

ie: about 31 min in.. Tim – the law is the operating system of our democracy – and you have to pay to see it?

adding the page now as am reading about next:economy..


reading through the hopes/aspirations/speakers… and wondering.. what we’re missing.. by asking the people who are perhaps on the edge.. but ..

Next:Economy collects the leading players and thinkers in the web space in one room; it will be the place where important deals and decisions are made, with a huge ripple effect on the industry over time.

… perhaps not enough beyond.. to be ripple us enough.. into our potential web ness..

talking what’s going to happen – but the list of thinkings is majorly about work/market..

Attendees will hear from, and connect with, leaders who are both instigating fundamental changes and transforming work, business, and society, as well as others who have felt the impact of these changes.

what if fundamental changes make business work irrelevant.. and we’re framing ourselves enough so that we don’t see that as a possibility/opportunity..?

We will explore questions like:

  • What technologies are available to existing businesses that will let them deliver experiences that equal or exceed those of new economy companies. For example, what would it take for “the Uber of package delivery” to be Fedex or UPS?
  • How can augmented reality be used to “upskill” workers and consumers, creating enormous new sources of productivity?
  • How can software agents and applied machine learning transform business workflows, not just consumer experiences?
  • How can applied machine learning help companies use market mechanisms rather than command and control to match worker schedules with demand?
  • What tools and practices make it possible to manage a truly distributed, on-demand workforce?
  • What kinds of industries and what kinds of new opportunities can best take advantage of the 21st century approach to work?

ie: what if we’re better off with less productivity..? what if that’s the 21st century approach to work..


no jobs graeber



Tim O’Reilly and Jon Bruner talk about big data and location at Where 2012


find/follow Tim:

link twitter

Founder and CEO, O’Reilly Media. Watching the alpha geeks, sharing their stories, helping the future unfold.



I’ve started to have trouble tracking down my various, scattered writings and interviews on the Net myself, so I decided to create a page where I could find my own words when I wanted to refer to them. I figured some other people might want to look at this archive as well.

output ness

i need to swim here a bit – (tons of video interviews et al) – perhaps delve into my ignorance in all this..

wikipedia small

Tim O’Reilly (born June 6, 1954) is the founder of O’Reilly Media (formerly O’Reilly & Associates). He popularized the terms open source and Web 2.0.


www ness


sept 2015

“We’ve Got This Whole Unicorn Thing All Wrong!” by @timoreilly https://t.co/cmbtFFsKKc

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/ev/status/647521079674540033

So what makes a real unicorn of this amazing kind?

  1. It seems unbelievable at first.
  2. It changes the way the world works.
  3. It has enormous economic impact that is not all captured by the entrepreneurs and venture capitalists who birthed it.

a nother way.


I just published an extended version of my WTF Economy post https://t.co/c7t4xgqWKp Includes full schedule for #NextEconomy summit

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/timoreilly/status/648505756455600128


I explain to @emilychangtv the urgency behind my #NextEconomy summit in this interview for Bloomberg bloom.bg/1GGsAyN



everyone is wrestling with the impact of tech on economy, structure of companies, nature of work.. this is really a time for us to figure out how to take advantage of disruptive techs

how do we think about the future.. build the economy we want..

what is coming at us is bigger than the original internet..

so perhaps.. leapfrogging matters to urgency.. ie: make companies/business irrelevant… systemic ness


2/2/16 7:41 PM
Awesome piece about why business is a key target market for Augmented Reality oreil.ly/1KoYqSK #WTFeconomy#NextEconomy
unless we get brave enough to use ar (et al) to set people free… and let www ness facilitate our natural whimsy/curiosities.. to live in antifragility
Which is to say: you can’t program a hologram to work well in a space unless you understand what is in that space, what people do there, and how it all works together.
“The promise of the new breed of AR systems is that they can place content into a world in the way that it seems like it’s natural to that world,” says perceptual neuroscientist Beau Cronin. “From my point of view, the more interesting challenge is that if you are going to put that content out into the world, you need to understand the world you’re putting it into.”
saying.. ar only works in tightly vertical spaces… because you can’t augment content for everything.. that sounds like Ed reform et al .. i thought what makes www ness and ar ness et al so different is that it/they can augment for everything.. (everything is misc ness).. for whimsy’s sake… for (blank)’s sake
you need to understand the world you’re putting it into
perhaps that’s been our problem up to now.. not understanding the uncertainty.. et al..
so yeah.. fine… the world is uncertain…. need to augment for antifragility…. (ie: self-organizingstigmery, …
which we can now do.
so we can’t not.


from 2009 – work on stuff that matters


1\ Work on something that matters to you more than money.

2\ Create more value than you capture.

3\ Take the long view.

Brian Eno tells a great story about the experience that led him to conceive of the ideas that led to The Long Now Foundation:

It was 1978. I was new to New York. A rich acquaintance had invited me to a housewarming party, and, as my cabdriver wound his way down increasingly potholed and dingy streets, I began wondering whether he’d got the address right. Finally he stopped at the doorway of a gloomy, unwelcoming industrial building. Two winos were crumpled on the steps, oblivious. There was no other sign of life in the whole street.

“I think you may have made a mistake”, I ventured.

But he hadn’t. My friend’s voice called “Top Floor!” when I rang the bell, and I thought – knowing her sense of humour – “Oh – this is going to be some kind of joke!” I was all ready to laugh. The elevator creaked and clanked slowly upwards, and I stepped out – into a multi-million dollar palace. The contrast with the rest of the building and the street outside couldn’t have been starker.

I just didn’t understand. Why would anyone spend so much money building a place like that in a neighbourhood like this? Later I got into conversation with the hostess. “Do you like it here?” I asked. “It’s the best place I’ve ever lived”, she replied. “But I mean, you know, is it an interesting neighbourhood?” “Oh – the neighbourhood? Well…that’s outside!” she laughed.

In the talk many years ago where I first heard him tell this story, Brian went on to describe the friend’s apartment, the space she controlled, as “the small here,” and the space outside, full of winos and derelicts, as “the big here.” He went on from there, along with others, to come up with the analogous concept of the Long Now.

It’s very easy to make local optimizations, but they eventually catch up with you. Oureconomy has many elements of a ponzi scheme. We borrow from other countries to finance our consumption, we borrow from our children by saddling them with debt and using up non-renewable resources.

It’s hard to see beyond the “small here” and the “short now,” especially if you live in a favored place and time. That’s why so many of the really important things do end up on the plates of non-profits.

That’s why a time like this, when the bubble is bursting, is a great time to see how important it is to think about the big picture, and what matters not just to us, but to building a sustainable economy in a sustainable world.



I always enjoy @timoreilly’s take on things. This interview is a good example of how he connects dots: shift.newco.co/a-deficit-of-i…

current passion – the next economy – with Reid Hoffman

tech in a crisis of trust.. ie: gentrification; ai; working conditions… tech as villain.. trying to come up with correct map of way world works… wtf econ to next econ

uber applaud.. then wtf turns and in bad wtf..  uber treating drivers as disposable.. et al..

3 min – key concept of wtf econ.. use tech to augment workers to do something previously impossible..

4 min – uber seems to have a deficit of idealism… we are part of a system and the entire system has to work..

5 min – original role of financial markets… many still ruled by them.. when don’t need them..

6 min – we’re not going to run out of work till we run out of problems… so much potential when focus on work rather than on jobs..

7 min – all the talking here… seems so irrelevant to the story in my head

rebuild crumbling infrastructure.. deal with energy transition.. economy where fruits are allocated more fairly…

8 min – society based more on creative premium.. let’s assume all that can be automated will be automated.. so creative econ the other huge pillar of future

9 min – tech can/should play a leadership role…

10 min – i’m working on trying to define a set of characteristics… ie: 1\ augment people to do thing previously impossible…  theme of human augmentation rather than problem  2\ tackle world’s problems before tackle us  3\ great experience for consumers but also for people creating for consumers…

11 min – i feel there’s a real need for imagination around what needs doing..

13 min – b corp.. assuming that corp is hostile.. we have to get away from that..

14 min – ubi – i think there may be a time when it really is the appropriate response.. y combinator guy- says.. we should call it the citizens dividend.. the fruits of bounty shared equally.. in more robust way..

15 min – more stable society w robust middle class..

15 min – a unicorn is defined by wonder..  ie: uber; google maps; www; .. i think we need to reset our sense of unicorns away from the dollar value and toward the magic

hosting-life-bits et al.. as magic.. emerging interpretive labor.. et al..



James and I will be digging into these issues with @reidhoffman on Monday at the Next Economy Summit in San Francisco.

[WATCH] James Manyika @McKinsey_MGI & @timoreilly on how the #NextEconomy growth can lead to prosperity for all. youtube.com/watch?v=HeE_TB…

we haven’t created an affirmative vision of what this tech can do..

ie: host-life-bits via self-talk as data .. aka: facil whimsy/curiosity of 7 billion people plus

what is the work that needs doing..

2 needsdeep/simple/open enough for all of us..

cluster of principles we can start to identify.. to frame what makes next econ co.. 1\ enable humans/workers to do things that were previously impossible..  2\ use platform to perform quasi entrepreneurial activities..

james: challenges.. 1\ need econ that’s growing

growth is good because 1\ to help population grow  2\ only if wealth distributed properly.. big change.. econ has become more extractive..  growth is only good if leads to prosperity for all

james: how do we grow/develop/innovate at same time and include everybody..

ie: host-life-bits via self-talk as data .. aka: facil whimsy/curiosity of 7 billion people plus


via Jen

Tim O’Reilly (@timoreilly) tweeted at 6:08 PM on Fri, Feb 17, 2017:
This is an important post. I’m with Jen in Vietnam, experiencing the same wonder at past bad choices and hoping we don’t make them again. https://t.co/fHnnRCdJy2

we need to listen to each other – jen

holmgren indigenous law


@timoreilly imagines a better future: “Reality Is An Activity of the Most August Imagination” An @edge conversation edge.org


narrative – ai and jobs – based on history.. it’s wrong.. history teaches us ..if we use technology correctly, we increase productivity..t

is productivity what we’re after..? perhaps if we use tech better.. we increase peace..

what we have to do diff to get a diff outcome

how do we change rules of game.. get people to think differently..t

use tech to help us all listen better

what’s keeping us from putting today’s tech on work on today’s problems.. t.. instead on such triviality

we haven’t gotten to (or let go enough to get to) the root yet.. problems are overwhelming until we do that

question i’m wrestling with – How do we debug the objective function of an increasingly automated economy, of an economy that’s dominated by systems that are, to use a great quote from Wallace Stevens, “without human feeling, without human meaning, a foreign song”? We’re living in a world which is dominated by a system that disregards human value.

Mark is wrestling with right now. He wants to figure out how Facebook reinforces true social bonds, as opposed to the fake bonds.

A great quote comes to mind from a guy named Andrew Singer. Many years ago he said to me, “The art of debugging a computer program is to figure out what you really told the computer to do instead of what you thought you told it to do.” Right now, Facebook is engaged in this struggle, as is Google.

what do we replace it with?

what i’m wrestling with – who is the we

The first one, and probably the most important one, is the collective “we” of what we collectively believe. Ultimately, what politicians do and what we do as a society is a result of what billions of people come to believe about the way the world is and what’s right

Middle Ages, everybody believed in the divine right of kings. Right now, everybody believes in the divine right of capital.

We accept that. When I say “we,” I mean all of us accept it. We simply believe that that’s the way the world works. We ignore things that run contrary to that.

making up money ness

Spreading new ideas about the way the world could be different is a huge job for all of us.

We have a sense of inevitability. We have this sense that the way the world is today is fixed.., that the story we tell ourselves about the world is somehow true.

this is also the subject of Yuval Noah Harari’s book, Sapiens. He goes through the history of humanity as the evolution of collective beliefs that allow us to act in certain ways we were not previously able to, pointing out that religion and politics were ways to get larger groups of people to act in concert. Money is a fiction to build an economy. Debt. He talks about the invention of the future as something that you could invest in and move towards. In a similar way, we have to look at the beliefs we have that limit what we can do as a society..t

I hope a much more positive way, we need leaders who can summon up a vision of a more just, a more fair, a more equitable world, one in which we tackle the great problems we face today.

has to be all of us.. summoning.. everyday.. as the day

History is full of people who have amazing persuasive skills.. to say.. we should believe in this together..

Elon is a dream maker for people. He is resetting the expectations of what’s possible. But we also need that in the political realm.

The one thing I find hopeful in the rise of Donald Trump is that he’s broken a lot of the old paradigms, a lot of the old ideas that have to go in lockstep. But can we invent a new map of the world that makes more sense? That reinvents what’s possible?

people lose focus and will, they become reactive, and by the time the real crisis comes, they don’t have the capacity anymore to rise to it. That’s the thing I worry about.

we’re going to lose our capacity to respond because so much of our productive capacity is going to be just dealing with crisis..t

zinn energy law

I don’t expect change to happen in an instant, but is it happening fast enough for us to avoid disaster

begs we find a means to leap..aka: not part\ial.. for (blank)’s sake

what are the interventions we need

imagine a turtle

what should we be doing..

the job i’m trying to do right now.. is articulate a narrative..

rather.. model a nother way.. ie: short

right now I’m trying to reframe this question of what do computer platforms and their rise and fall tell us about society and economies and their rise and fall

ugh.. science of people.. we have no idea if look at that..

rather.. study this.. affluence ness

throw away the old stuff/policies.. Just break it all apart and put it together in new ways, with fresh ideas and fresh approaches.

yes.. let’s do that.. a global do over

One of the other things that we can learn from technology platforms, and that we have to put into practice on a larger scale in our economics and in our social thinking is data-informed decision-making.

(after just talked about the need to update more regularly.. than many years) – We need to refresh our politics. I’m hoping for some bold leadership to emerge over the next couple of elections,

next couple of elections..? how is that updating we’re capable of today.. how is that bold.. fresh..?

It’s pretty clear that just a rehash of what went before is not going to be sufficient for the problems that we face.

doesn’t that include political system of elections..? decision making..?

Wallace Stevens .. In “An Ordinary Evening in New Haven,” ..He also said “reality is an activity of the most august imagination.”

Our job is to imagine a better future, because if we can imagine it, we can create it. But it starts with that imagination..t

in the small..we are at a critical moment in our economy, where we have to make it work better for everyone, not just for a select few. But in the large, we have to make it better in the way that we deal with long-term challenges and long-term problems.

let’s try this.. ie: hlb via 2 convos that io dance.. as the day..[aka: not part\ial.. for (blank)’s sake…]..  a nother way

We have to have a moral revolution in ourselves, where we come to believe different things about what should be and what will be because we make it so.

we can do that today.. via 2 convos that io dance.. as the day.



Céline (@krustelkram) tweeted at 5:49 AM – 8 Oct 2017 :

What’s the future and why it’s up to us @timoreilly Fantastic presentation on #AIEthics #Economics #Utopia https://t.co/g3jUBNO6iB (http://twitter.com/krustelkram/status/916993950929641472?s=17)

the rules that we’ve encoded into our broader society.. are they producing the intended outcome.. is it human hostile or human enhancing..t

i would much rather search for the ai that makes beautiful moves/insights into the way that we play this game of human survival/flourishing.. t.. and that helps us build a better future..



Tim O’Reilly – WTF? What’s the Future of Platforms and Silicon Valley?

on reinvent live w Pete


pete: you’ve always been early to these amazing transformations.. how

tim: 1\ paying attention and noticing things that are left out of the narrative..t

world shaped by what we already believe..

tim: 1\ what’s happening today .. platforms ruled by algo’s.. ie: algo of fb isn’t ..give people fake news.. it’s.. give people what they want.. mirror of our own desires.. but choices it makes for us..

krishna free will law

algo’s we build a little like genies.. runaway objective function.. algo goes crazy.. this is not a far future phenom.. we’re getting econ we asked for.. we didn’t mean to create an opioid crisis.. the wishes gone wrong..

rise of platform econ.. broaden beyond tech.. can’t just talk about tech.. platform econ is container shipping.. tech is helping us to see it.. if you have a narrative about tech that’s only about fb, uber.. et al.. you’re missing the point.. ie: gap, walmart.. have to see this is a pervasive environment.. the fact we’re making it about tech only.. means we’re missing the opp.. have to say.. somehow market econ natural.. no.. this is a built system shaped by rules.. let’s rewrite the rules..t

good.. but let’s really rewrite them.. ie: why money.. why measuring at all..?

we’re telling ourselves it’s out of our control.. basic premise of the book is.. it’s not our of our control..

we thought the benefits of the scale platform provides.. belonged to that platform.. we need to rethink econ as an ecosystem..

who gets what and why.. fundamental question..t

2 convos to facil ..so that have all we need for everyone to get whatever they have/need.. if freely talking curiosity everyday..

ie: hlb via 2 convos that io dance.. as the day..[aka: not part\ial.. for (blank)’s sake…]..  a nother way

pete: there’s a ton of good will in tech industry.. what can do toward big gestures

tim: 1\ we’re still the taxi cab w screen in back.. there’s a lot of things we accept as .. this is just the way it is.. that are not inevitable.. t

2\ cory’s walkaway.. we get there.. by people just walking away..t


pete: a better way forward.. what can we do now

tim: 1\ tech enables to do things that were previously impossible.. augmentation is the secret gift of tech.. t

augmented interdependence..

why are we just tweaking around the edges..t

[aka: not part\ial.. for (blank)’s sake…]

what’s the future.. and why it’s up to us @pahlkadot ..t

govt is deep ocean.. politics is 6 in on top.. Jen

we are building ai and we are its microbiome..t

master objective function is .. make money..  coded into dna of every co..t

pete: leadership to get that to change..?

people believe something different and they remake the world.. have to start imagining ..t

2 convos .. as the day

there’s been a rise of people questioning.. but not a rise of new ideas.. what would we do if making better/fairer world.. what would policies be

2 convos .. as the day

we can make wealth for everyone..

affluence w/o abundance

the failed hunter gatherer’s..  his childhood blindness.. would have been a failure.. don’t underestimate our children

eagle and condor

the whole point of having to raise capital.. is part of the sickness..t

cc mr money

on blockchain – 1\ there’s clearly inefficiencies in it energy wise that may be fatal to it  2\ lot of hurdles at beginning.. trying to do old stuff on it.. starting to find out what it’s good for

coops hiding in plain sight.. ie: rei.. like other co’s .. but distributes wealth differently.. that dominant model has blinded us to other alt’s..

we have to invent new forms.. and not just put small glosses on the old forms..t

let’s try sans $/measuring transactions..

we’re not taking advantage of everyone’s talents..t

begs mech to listen to all the voices..

pete: what can we start doing now

tim: i don’t have prescriptions

let’s do this firstfree art-ists.

for (blank)’s sake


Cory Doctorow‘s review of Tim O’Reilly‘s wtf (which made my frustrating book list.. hoping this read will help)

Thanks, @doctorow, for the forgotten memory of that P2P working group meeting, and for the best review of my book that I’ve read yet. It’s wonderful to read a review that is not a rehash of the content, but a vaulting forward of the argument! https://t.co/XOK78PyMhD

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/timoreilly/status/938066073693196288

A book that tells us how to keep the technology baby and throw out the Big Tech bathwater

can love the sin hate the sinner


thurman interconnectedness law

WTF? is a book about technology as it was, as it is, and *as it could be. It is told from the perspective of someone who has been personally present at the most important moments in the fast-paced history of tech, and who played a significant role in those moments. It’s a rare and important piece of criticism that inspires even as it dissects.

*this is what i found most frustrating about the book.. i think we’re missing what it could be.. big time.. and perhaps.. precisely because we’ve still got that hierarchical format for listening.. ie: you can’t hear me.. we need tech to listen to all voices (of alive people.. the mech has to also wake/detox us up) w/o judgment.. and facil that

we’re missing tech as it could be..

ie: hlb via 2 convos that io dance.. as the day..[aka: not part\ial.. for (blank)’s sake…]..  a nother way


Tim O’Reilly (@timoreilly) tweeted at 5:56 AM – 27 Apr 2018 :

The slides from my presentation, Networks and the Next Economy, are available on slideshare. https://t.co/2VRoXffrNShttps://t.co/ywO4qRbhbu(http://twitter.com/timoreilly/status/989835765675970561?s=17)

slide 28: what makes an app magical? 1\ it seems unbelievable at first  2\ it changes the way the world works, so that the unbelievable comes to seem inevitable and normal  3\ it results in *an ecosystem of new services, jobs, business models, and industries..t

rather results in *restoring our undisturbed ecosystem

slide 76: this is the master design pattern: do more. *do things that were previously impossible..t

like ground the chaos of 7 bn free people.. by listening to and faciling their daily curiosities.. as it could be..

let’s do that


This is very good. Read it. https://t.co/JMFqbXE90K

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/timoreilly/status/1011376047236042758

‘more useful..might be: relational databases..data is highly specific to particular app’s..find things that humans can’t recognize..looking at all the data as no human could ever do’ @BenedictEvans

ie: 2 convos as infra to listen to all the voices (self-talk as data)


@nikadubrovsky @timoreilly wrote a nice article about web3 and NFT that is worth reading: https://t.co/gYoUZoUyfv He talks about bubbles, infrastructures and the actual life-changing goods and services that make life better for everyone.
Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/gnu111/status/1482363141539385345

What is an NFT? The ‘non-fungible‘ part of NFT means that it is completely unique and cannot be directly replaced with something else. … NFTs are assets that exist in the digital world with no physical version, and digital tokens serve as the certificate of ownership for these assets.

We do need a new economic system.. If, as Sal Delle Palme argues, Web3 heralds the birth of a new economic system, let’s make it one that increases true wealth—not just paper wealth for those lucky enough to get in early but actual life-changing goods and services that make life better for everyone..t

has to be for everyone.. which begs sans any form of m\a\p

ie: oikos (the economy our souls crave).. ‘i should say: the house shelters day-dreaming, the house protects the dreamer, the house allows one to dream in peace.’ – gaston bachelard, the poetics of space



