thurman interconnectedness law

interconnect thurman.png

thurman interconnectedness law: when you understand interconnectedness it makes you more afraid of hating than of dyingRobert Thurman (@BobThurman)


Robert Thurman


3.14 degrees of interconnectedness

common ing.. aka: augmenting interconnectedness

one ness

a nother way


richard bartlett

Team Human: Richard D. Bartlett “There is no enemy team”.…


charles eisenstein

Charles Eisenstein (@ceisenstein) tweeted at 6:00 AM – 3 Jun 2018 :
The acts that change the world most profoundly are the ones that the mind of Separation cannot fathom. (


Adam Burk (@adamburk) tweeted at 6:51 AM – 23 Nov 2018 :
What Would Happen If Everyone Truly Believed Everything Is One? (


nora on interconnectedness

Culture that celebrates the cunning & cleverness of people who win at being predators shouldn’t be surprised they occupy pinnacle positions.Justifying exploitation as normal or necessary was a dead-end game.The future is in the integrity of recognizing interdepedence. #GameB

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thurman interconnectedness law: when you understand interconnectedness it makes you more afraid of hating than of dyingRobert Thurman (@BobThurman)

ai humanity needs.. augmenting interconnectedness

ie: 2 convers as infra via tech as it could be..


no judge\ment

make friends law


gaga kindness\hatred law (2 min video that is so much thurman interconnectedness law)

gabor on hate

waters crash law


people who take sides cannot see reality
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@eor47 @davidgraeber A perfectly accurate description of how David himself acted. He always had endless amounts of time to, as he called it, “work on each other.”
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Just found this twitter of @davidgraeber
and he is the text
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We’re not allowed to hate. We are told to be ashamed of our hate. The only hate we’re allowed is consumerist hate ie of cheese or boy bands
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when you understand interconnectedness it makes you more afraid of hating than of dying




