ownership – intellectual property


Perhaps a better focus – intellectual property.

intellectual property, defn


Ownership (intellectual property) and compulsion seem to be two ginormous roadblocks to betterness. They are eating us alive.

How can we own/claim anything?

We are interconnected and amazingly enough, not that novel. We just think we are, because, perhaps, we’ve been focusing more on a compulsory way of life/proof/mistrust, than on connecting.

Every moment, we are changed. Because of the connecting we do/experience/breath in. How can we claim ownership – as in rights?

[disclaimer – not saying we shouldn’t own our day. perhaps the problem comes when we insist that the day, thoughts, beauty, et al, are anything that only we own. that only we created. that only we can sell or keep from others. it’s about co-creation. share economy. connection economy. and a new/old mindset.]



bauwens property law

constant line law

doctorow property law

hardt/negri property law

ownership – intellectual property

wilde property law

intellect ness et al


remembering soulb..

wisdom you cannot own it


The tricky part of public thinking is that it works best in situations where people aren’t worried about “owning” ideas.  – Clive Thompson, Smarter Than You Think


There is no statement more erroneous than the declaration that “this is my idea”. Such notions are byproducts of a material culture that has been reinforced in seeking physical rewards, usually via money, in exchange for the illusion of their “proprietary” creations. Very often an ego association is culminated as well where an individual claims prestige about their “credit” for an idea or invention.

Peter Joseph et al, Zeitgeist Movement Defined


Charles Eisentein has some great insight on ownership et al – in his Sacred Economics – none of us are free ness.

Sara Boettiger


in a recent #rhizo14 fb group convo.. Keith Hamon commented:

my curiosity overrides my sense of ownership

love that. imagine a world where curiosity is our label/drive/energy/sustainability/thrivability.. ness..




Pushing for copyright monopolies and patent monopolies was never a matter of helping others; it was a matter of kicking away the ladder once you had reached the top yourself.


shared aug 2014 on fb by Charles:


But if we don’t see ownership is a reified category, an absolute predicate, then the matter is not so simple. Because what is this “ownership”? What is the social agreement that the concept embodies? It is rather different than what we have today. 


BAMMMMM! Sound of my browser hitting a Taylor and Francis paywall on research paper. $40 to read a paper? WTF WORLD DID WE MAKE?

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/cogdog/status/570283714120278017


from Y Benkler’s wealth of networks


When one cuts through the rent-seeking politics of intellectual property lobbies like the pharmaceutical companies or Hollywood and the recording industry; when one overcomes the honestly erroneous, but nonetheless conscience-soothing beliefs of lawyers who defend the copyright and patent-dependent industries and the judges they later become, the reality of both theory and empirics in the economics of intellectual property is that both in theory and as far as empirical evidence shows, there is remarkably little support in economics for regulating information, knowledge, and cultural production through the tools of intellectual property law.


via Maria: Oliver Jeffers on ownership


This Moose Belongs to Me (public library) — a disarming story about a boy who believes he owns his pet moose Marcel, only to discover that so do other people, who call him by different names, while the moose himself doesn’t quite get the concept of being owned and is thus oblivious to the boy’s list of rules for being a good pet.


the story is, above all, a parable about the nature of ownership as a mutually agreed upon figment and the comical sense of entitlement it engenders.


Perhaps Mark Twain put it best in his supportive letter to Helen Keller when she was accused of plagiarism:Substantially all ideas are second-hand, consciously and unconsciously drawn from a million outside sources.”


We only own something because everybody agrees that we do.


Researcher illegally shares millions of science papers free online to spread knowledge https://t.co/3i2TUMVEna

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/lessig/status/698206325893963776


may 2016 – Noam

6/2/16 3:02 AM
On #BasicIncome: Noam Chomsky Taxpayers Make the Investments, Corporations Take the Profits ow.ly/96Fg500WdwB
video at 2:45

intellectual property is a polite term for govt instituted monopoly pricing rights.. means extraordinarily high patent rights… for phram corps.. to keep price of drugs up and mkae profits astronomical.. probably at least 1/2 of r&d not done by pharma at all.. basic/hard/costly research is done by people like you .. you pay for it through your taxes..


truman credit law




document everything

ps in the open


non-territorial ness


the whole plagiarism of speeches .. when the speeches supposedly plagiarized from.. are written by other people than the ones giving them… those usually invisible people.. how does that work..?

how could we ever thing we own.. invented.. anything.. on our own..

if we’re interconnected (and how are we not).. we can’t separate us for a bit of territorial ness.. it’s never just me ness



“All ideas are second-hand.” Mark Twain’s magnificent letter to Helen Keller about the myth of originality brainpickings.org/2012/05/10/mar

As if there was much of anything in any human utterance, oral or written, except plagiarism!


Xeni Jardin (@xeni) tweeted at 5:18 AM – 12 Sep 2016 :

European court rules that making a link can be copyright infringement. “This is a fucking disaster,” says @doctorow https://t.co/bi17bNkgmF (http://twitter.com/xeni/status/775292384800309248?s=17)


Peter Martin (@1petermartin) tweeted at 3:50 AM – 20 Dec 2016 :

Copyright rules make us break the law 80 times a day, says Productivity Commission: https://t.co/2ghkjWHwz4 @smh @theage #auspol #ausecon https://t.co/pUVnmjhMRL (http://twitter.com/1petermartin/status/811161725919756288?s=17)


Clo Willaerts (@bnox) tweeted at 4:03 AM – 28 Feb 2017 :

The Real Difference Between Google And Apple
By looking at their patents. https://t.co/Qut6mcS9u7 (http://twitter.com/bnox/status/836532163113807872?s=17)

apple/jobs – 347 patents.. google/brin/page – 27 patents


from Heather Marsh‘s science:

Patents and copyrights also solved the problem of most knowledge being already held by others for centuries or millennia because it granted ownership not to the origin of knowledge but to the first to file patents, almost always western men.

Patents and copyrights are exclusionary rights. They are not rights to do something but rights to stop others from doing it.

University accreditation and licensing act in the same way.


‘invented to justify theft of the commons’ https://t.co/CevR6gjlDA

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/monk51295/status/884278287463305216


Matthew Rimmer (@DrRimmer) tweeted at 3:39 AM – 10 Aug 2017 :

Danes step away from patenting in favour of ‘open science’ https://t.co/wtupKbk0UU via @timeshighered #Denmark #patent #OA #openinnovation (http://twitter.com/DrRimmer/status/895580454572630016?s=17)


Opendesk (@open_desk) tweeted at 1:47 AM – 28 Feb 2018 :

“While Copyright ostensibly seeks to protect the rights of creators it does so at the expense of the public and society.” Read the full article > https://t.co/N3nkpX0B9Vhttps://t.co/OuHyg8j4vQ (http://twitter.com/open_desk/status/968769495782297601?s=17)


Dr. Holly Witteman (@hwitteman) tweeted at 7:46 PM – 5 Jul 2018 :
That $35 that scientific journals charge you to read a paper goes 100% to the publisher, 0% to the authors. If you just email us to ask for our papers, we are allowed to send them to you for free, and we will be genuinely delighted to do so. https://t.co/NHEfiOMLfG (http://twitter.com/hwitteman/status/1015049411276300289?s=17)

Dr. Holly Witteman (@hwitteman) tweeted at 8:19 PM – 5 Jul 2018 :
@ProofPilot I’d personally love to publish everything as blog posts but then I don’t get to keep my job and/or I can’t keep paying my staff & students. (http://twitter.com/hwitteman/status/1015057514407301120?s=17)


from hardt and negri ‘s assembly (this is a lot.. may tweak some out later.. but even more on new page: property):


the mystification of contemporary capitalist relations rests on the almost permanent re proposition of two terms, the private and the public, which function together as a kind of bait, but correspond to two ways of appropriated the common..


in the first case, as rousseau says, private property is an appropriation (the action of taking something for one’s own use, typically without the owner’s permission) of the common by an individual, expropriating (the action by the state or an authority of taking property from its owner for public use or benefit) it from others;

the first man, who, having enclosed a piece of ground, to who it occurred to say this is mine, and found people sufficiently simple to believe him, was the true founder of civil society...

dang.. i hope this is saying what i hope this is saying.. ie: property/mine-ness is killer and foundation of civil society (as in civilization is killer)

how many crimes, wars, murders, how many miseries and horrors mankind would have been spared by whim who, pulling up the stakes or filling in the ditch, had cried to his kind: beware of listening to this imposter; you are lost if you forget that the fruits are everyone’s and the earth no one’s..

yeah that..

today private property negates people’s right to share and together care for not only the wealth of the earth and its ecosystems but also the wealth that we are able to produce by cooperating w one another.. rousseau’s indignation at the injustice of private property remains today as viral as it was over 200 yrs ago

indeed.. root of the disturbance to our ecosystem..

where rousseau was so lucid and sever when identifying private property as the source of all kinds of corruption and cause of human suffering, he stumbles when he confronts the public as a problem of the social contract.. given that private property creates ineq ..as rousseau says.. how can we invent a political system in which everything belongs to everyone and to no one..

2 convos.. as infra


land rights are thus a recurring theme.. this relationship between id and property takes two primary forms 1\ id provides privileged rights/access to property superior race..  whiteness, christianity, civilizational..  2\ id itself is a form of property.. the possession fo something exclusively one’s own..


property and sovereignty .. are intimately mixed in the twinned operation s of possession and exclusion..

the need to defend id and its privileges.. sometimes eclipses all other goals..  id and property thus have a double relation in right wing populisms: id serves a sa privileged means to property and also as a form of property itself.. which promises to maintain or restore the hierarchies of the social order

the violence of religious id’s – one key to understanding many religious movements today is the way they combine the defense of religious id w resentment against alien powers..

marsh label law

us & them


the focus on the purity and stability of id is why religious movement often tend toward dogmatic closure .. and why religious movements can communicate and mix so freely w movements based on racial or civilization id..


the cult of id, religious fanaticism, and social conservatism are interwoven in a deadly and explosive mix of sad passions ta  nourish violence and totalitarian tendencies..


religious movements thus line up w disastrous political projects: saintliness is offered to those who hate and destroy…


ghandi’s key insight, we think which remains equally vital today is that no religion per se but religious id, the construction and defense of a religious people, leads inevitably to violence and barbarity, and must be destroyed..

movements must be nonidentitairan..


let out only label be our daily curiosity

id based on race and ethnicity, religion, sexuality or any other social facto closes down the plurality of movement,s which must be instead internally diverse, multitudinous..

nationality: human

poverty as wealth

highest poverty.. poverty


the crucial point is that the affirmation of poverty and the critique of property are not conceived as deprivation or austerity but rather as abundance

affluence w/o abundance

act 4:32: and the multitude of those who believed were of one heart and one soul; neither did anyone say that any of the things he possessed was his own, but they had all things in common

one ness.. common ing

the refusal of property is thus not only essential to spiritual transformation, according to franciscans, but also to a life of plenitude.. poverty is not the absence of wealth, but perhaps paradoxically, its fundamental precondition: ‘everything for everyone’ .. to cite a zaptista slogan..

in the capitalist world poverty became inextricably linked to exploitation..  the poor tend to become no longer slaves, beasts of burden, untouchables at the margins of the human race, but instead integrated and subordinated as producers..


the proletariat, a multitude of re sellers of labor power who have nothing else to sell and no other means to survive is cast in a ‘second nature’ constructed by capital and reinforced by theological justification of the work ethic and the hierarchies of the social order.. the poor are invited to participate responsibly in their own exploitation, and that will be considered a dignity..  .. capitalist asceticism becomes the damnation of the poor and exploited..

work .. work ethic .. ness

capitalismrichard and gabor.. et al

marx, after denouncing the poverty of workers, links that poverty to their power, in the sense tha in capitalist society the living labor of workers, although stripped of the means of production is ‘the general possibility of material wealth’.. that explosive mix of poverty and potential represents a mortal threat to the private ownership fo the means of production..

richard on capitalism


a second response (to precarity and poverty – first is to double down on id)..  refuses the siren calls of id and instead constructs, on the basis of our precarious condition, secure forms of life grounded in the common


gershenfeld sel

vulnerability of the poor, disabled… forces us to recognize the ineluctable dependence on other that all of us share.. the development of circuits of interdependence.. are the primary (perhaps the only) path to a real security..


gershenfeld sel

thurman interconnectedness law

this combo of precarity and possibility is expressed esp powerful in the lives of migrants..  multitudes that cross over, around and thru national boundaries have the potential to undermine fixed id’s and destabilize the material constitutions of the global order

global do over.. perhaps via modeling by refugees.. et al

constitution ness – human\e constitution

these subjectivities, ever more mixed, are increasingly able to evade the fusional, identitarian powers of control..  undermine the hierarchies of traditional id’s.. in the inferno of poverty and in the odyssey of migration resides a new power..


again.. the essence of the franciscan project: poverty as not deprivation but a state of wealth and plenitude that threatens every sovereign and transcendent power.. practices of nonproperty … once again have revolutionary potential in the struggles of the common against teh financial power of capital..

even deeper: does poverty contain the seeds of a radical refusal of id and the creation instead, of an antagonistic, multitudinous subject grounded in the common?..  there is indeed a sacrilegious, corrosive element in poverty


thread.. via rt by kevin carson

Thaminga Vesemxoq/Ӿgʋozg Hᶗyᶗʋmϣɟ (@mxvesemxoq) tweeted at 5:30 PM – 8 Aug 2018 :
the only thing copyright law serves to protect as it exists today is business profits, and that’s about it; we too would be better off without it, reform that puts stricter protections on artists more easily hurt by infringement isn’t going to happen as long as capitalism exists. (http://twitter.com/mxvesemxoq/status/1027336359529332736?s=17)


Kevin Carson (@KevinCarson1) tweeted at 7:43 AM – 19 Aug 2019 :
The hardware design mandates and anti-circumvention provisions of the DMCA are the literal equivalents of doing this. “Intellectual property” cannot be enforced without the state invading your home and supervising how you use your stuff. https://t.co/ST7VxsZcge (http://twitter.com/KevinCarson1/status/1163446471066357765?s=17)

fuller too much law: inspectors of inspectors et al


from cory

@locusmag: “There’s a name for societies where a small elite own property and everyone else rents that prop­erty from them: it’s called feudalism.” A new article by @doctorow!


sept 2 2019 article

We gave up on owning things ..t.. – property now being the exclusive purview of transhuman immortal colony organisms called corporations – and we were promised flexibility and bargains. We got price-gouging and brittle­ness.

well.. we didn’t really give up on owning things.. that is key.. this is fractal to misunderstandings of tragedy of commons

we have to do it 100%.. unconditional.. or it won’t work

hardt/negri property law et al


from thread on ownership/property

@landrights4all 2) no ownership,res nullius or open access, means guaranteed enclosure and encroachmet; in ownership world, you need new forms of nondominium ownership to protect the commons

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/mbauwens/status/1260472005821947905

am thinking that conclusion comes from experiments that were/are part\ial/tragedy of the non common/whales in sea world..

we’ve never legit tried a full on .. no ownership

forms of ownership cancerize common\ing (undisturbed ecosystem)

tragedy of the non common et al

