none of us are free

burke freedom law:

none of us are free


riot of flowers ness:

pass it on riot 2


how intentional we were about inviting people to play, about how we were purposeful in making everyone feel part of the conversation – kevin hodgson in reference to clmooc

edging (terry elliott) more toward being invited to exist… than invited to my/our party/play..

ah. terry. grazie.

one synapse connecting – melding the need for inviting.. with the significance of where to..

the it is me ness. the i know you ness.

what makes the dance dance – is that everyone gets to play. everyone.

the hard part – is trusting (in ourselves and in others) that there is never nothing going on.

spaces of permission with nothing to prove.

snowden private in public law


like Tim saying the web won’t work unless the whole world is on it.


get intersectional


until all are free


“Nobody’s free until everybody’s free.”  – Fannie Lou Hamer


i can never be mlk

free\dom ness

snowden private in public law


love T’s insistence on an all-of-us world..


how to be you for us, ie: thurman alive law



Joey Ayoub (@joeyayoub) tweeted at 4:51 AM – 23 Mar 2017 : I genuinely don’t understand what people talk about when they say ‘our way of life’ when I see so many homeless people in London. (


on saying you’re already free (direct action): 1\ you don’t see/acknowledge chained ones – so blind/pretending and not fine/free  2\ you do see chained ones – so pain or addictive coping going on

penned this then this comment in m of care – nov 27:

fahrettin: this whole thing about living as if already free.. may cause us to think.. we don’t have to do further.. we are already free.. but not if our focus is all of us.. we are not winning (free).. this principle may create for block of creating real work

none of us if one of us ness

has to be everyone.. everyone in sync .. or it won’t work/dance

ie: as if already free ness


bakunin legit free law.. (even though his ideas were part\ial ness)



