brown belonging law

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the opposite of belonging.. is fitting in

true belonging doesn’t require you to change who you are.. it requires you to be who you are.. and that’s vulnerable..

Brené Brown


brown belonging lawthe opposite of belonging.. is fitting in.. true belonging doesn’t require you to change who you are.. it requires you to be who you are.. and that’s vulnerable.. –Brené Brown


fitting in vs fittingness

be you.. for us.. ness

ie: ‘in undisturbed ecosystems ..the average individual, species, or population, left to its own devices, behaves in ways that serve and stabilize the whole..’ –Dana Meadows

only way the dance will dance.. sans any form of m\a\p



deray (@deray) tweeted at 3:40 PM on Tue, Jun 18, 2019:
It’s like @BreneBrown was speaking directly to me in her Netflix special. I’ll be re-watching it tonight. If you haven’t seen it, you need to put it on your list.

45 min – let me tell you what belonging is .. from the research..

brown belonging law:

the opposite of belonging.. is fitting in..

fitting in is assessing and acclimating.. here’s what i should say/be.. talk/dress like.. that’s fitting in

supposed to’s.. of school/work killing us

godin – the desire to fit in often overwhelms our curiosity

belonging is belonging to yourself first.. speaking your truth and never betraying yourself for other people.. true belonging doesn’t require you to change who you are.. it requires you to be who you are.. and that’s vulnerable..

maté trump law

beyond calling people to your campfire


from David Whyte‘s consolations:





loneliness is the place from which we pay real attention to voices other than our own; being alone allows us to find the healing power in the other

human beings are made to belong. loneliness is a single malt taste of the very essentiality that makes conscious belonging possible.. the doorway is closer than we think  i am aloe; therefore i belong

brown belonging law et al


from andreas weber‘s reality as commons:

We must shape our selfhood according to the needs of a larger whole that is necessary to all life. Autonomy is always inscribed within a larger whole and only possible through it. Paradoxically, autonomy is possible only through relation.

*brown belonging lawthe opposite of belonging.. is fitting in.. true belonging doesn’t require you to change who you are.. it requires you to be who you are.. and that’s vulnerable.. –Brené Brown

maté basic needs


Epilogue: The Affirmation of Belonging

to connect, a separation is needed in the first place. It is a oneness achieved through the conjunction of two distinct unities. Identity is not wholeness, but “interpenetration,” as the Canadian literary critic Northrop Frye would have put it.

from Erich Fromm‘s the sane society:


if such a goal is not attained by the majority of members of any give society, we deal w the phenom of socially patterned defect.. the individual shares it w many others; he is not aware of it as a defect, and his security is not threatened by the experience of being different, of being an outcast, as it were..

pluralistic ignorance et al

what he may have lost in richness and in a genuine feeling of happiness, is made up by the security of fitting in with the rest of mankind – as he knows them..

brown belonging law.. maté trump law.. et al


askew unconditional law: we belong without condition.. for without this we are always fighting to be enough.. and under this circumstance there is no peace.. – Nic Askew


even more resonating after thinking/realizing.. never fit.. but belonged..


maté basic needsauthenticity & attachment

missing/desired piece #1

missing/desired piece #2

