let people be


slide transcript:

slide 1: let people be

slide 2: aka: unconditional love

slide 3: started with: olivier wrong about you law: letting people be wrong about you or a situation while keeping your peace and focus is the most misunderstood *power move you will ever make – morgan richard olivier

slide 4: along with: people telling other people what to do of.. legit freedom will only happen if it’s all of us.. and in order to be all of us.. has to be sans any form of m\a\p.. where m\a\p = measuring, accounting, people telling other people what to do

slide 5: and that: conditionality we can’t seem to let go of

slide 6: realizing that: olivier wrong about you law: letting people be wrong about you or a situation while keeping your peace and focus is the most misunderstood *power move you will ever make – morgan richard olivier.. and even: let people be wrong.. can limit/stifle that power of love ness as we focus on people being wrong about us and often overloook the unconditionality of us being wrong about them

slide 7: leading to: let people be

slide 8: again with that critical piece we keep missing: aka: unconditional love.. because we can’t seem to let go enough to see/hear what legit free people might be like .. pearson unconditional lawwhat is it about loving each other unconditionally that scares us so much – come sunday (pearson)

slide 9: so beyond sans people telling other people what to do and even deeper than let people be wrong..

slide 10: just: let people be.. whatever they be

slide 11: a be you for us ness. because none of us are free if one of us is chained.. burke

slide 12: there’s a legit use of tech (nonjudgmental expo labeling).. to facil a global detox leap (getting us back/to unconditional love).. for (blank)’s sake.. and we’re missing it.. legit freedom will only happen if it’s all of us.. and in order to be all of us.. has to be sans any form of m\a\p

slide 13: findings:

1\ undisturbed ecosystem (common\ing) can happen

2\ if we create a way to ground the chaos of 8b legit free people

slide 14: let people be




brown belonging law
.. eu\daimon\ia.. maté trump law.. missing piece #1.. paul know\love law.. cummings art\ist law.. anonymous ones heavy law.. unoffendable ness.. solzhenitsyn cut law.. et al

we hide because people try to fix.. lynch fixed hidden law et al


