everyone everyday

everyone everyday.png

[resonating to everyone.. everyday.. but begs as the day.. or it won’t work.. ie: 2 convers as infra]

from their about page:

Practical ‘hands on’ ideas – not lots of meetings. 

Support for getting things going – no complicated processes.

Regardless of your starting point Every One Every Day has been designed with all your life circumstances in mind.  We are really good at making it easy for people to get involved in activity that they enjoy and benefit from. It’s our thing.

Every One Every Day recognises that most people have busy lives. Between work, raising children, caring for older relatives and keeping households going, people need participation opportunities that fit with all the other things going on

imagine.. if we didn’t have busy lives.. ie: a nother way book


intro’d via George in this post:

Johann Hari (@johannhari101) tweeted at 4:44 AM – 24 Jan 2019 :
Almost every problem we face needs to be dealt with, as a first step, by reconnecting compassionately with the people around us. Inspiring & beautiful piece by @georgemonbiot about this: https://t.co/ySZ4UpJo7c (http://twitter.com/johannhari101/status/1088402256880455680?s=17)

Could this local experiment be the start of a national transformation?..t

global.. if it includes both missing pieces.. simultaneously..

The best antidote to the rising tide of demagoguery and reaction is a politics of belonging based on strong and confident local communities.

belonging and authenticity/eudaimonia.. need both.. simultaneously..

Just as the council began looking for ideas, the Participatory City Foundation, led by the inspiring Tessy Britton, approached it with a plan for an entirely different system, developed after nine years of researcinto how bridging networks form. Nothing like it had been attempted by a borough before. The council realised it was taking a risk. But it helped to fund a £7m, five-year experiment, called Every One, Every Day.

after 10 yr research.. let’s try a 1 yr experiment.. ie: short

Researching successful community projects across the world, the foundation discovered a set of common principles..t

links to 151 page pdf entitle ‘made to measure’

didn’t read.. but can’t have principles be 151 pages.. and have to stop measuring

if want it to be for everyone everyday begs a mech simple enough for 7b to access/use today

Typically, they demand little time or commitment from local people, and no financial cost. They are close to people’s homes, open to everyone, and designed to attract talent rather than to meet particular needs.

let’s try this – 3 and 30 – 2 convers as infra

They launched Every One, Every Day in November 2017, opening two shops(the first of five) on high streets in Barking and Dagenham. The shops don’t sell anything but are places where people meet, discuss ideas and launch projects. The scheme has also started opening “maker spaces”, equipped with laser cutters and other tools, sewing machines and working kitchens. These kinds of spaces are usually occupied by middle-class men but, so far, 90% of the participants here are women. The reason for the difference is simple: almost immediately, some of the residents drew a line on the floor,..t.. turning part of the space into an informal creche, where women take turns looking after the children. In doing so, they overcame one of the biggest barriers to new businesses and projects: affordable childcare.

lines in the city.. ie: city sketchup ness

the experiment has catalysed a remarkable number of projects set up spontaneously by residents..t

imagine 7b spontaneous ness by facil ing daily curiosity  ie: cure ios city

Local people have leapt on the opportunities the new system has created.

this is wonderful.. much better than what most of us are doing.. but we have the means for it to me – local people (everyone everywhere everyday) are heard.. and their daily curiosities are facil’d..  ie: cure ios city

There’s a long way to go. Four thousand of the borough’s 200,000 people have participated so far. But the rate of growth suggests it is likely to be transformative. The council told me the programme had the potential to reduce demand for social services as people’s mental and physical health improves.. t

imagine a means for 7b to leap

Perhaps it’s not the whole answer to our many troubles. But it looks to me like a bright light in a darkening world..t

not part\ial.. for (blank)’s sake..  a nother way


everyone in sync


berners-lee everyone law

100% of humanity

tech as it could be (listening to every voice everyday).. to get us to: equity – everyone getting a go everyday; eudaimoniative surplus; .. et al.. to an undisturbed ecosystem..

‘in undisturbed ecosystems ..the average individual, species, or population, left to its own devices, behaves in ways that serve and stabilize the whole..’

– Dana Meadows

rev of everyday life



2 months later.. luba emails me participatory site:

 it does mention it and has relevance to your ideas). Thought it might interest you:http://www.participatorycity.org/
I keep thinking about Dunbar’s number, though, and the limitations of larger contexts

my response:

yeah.. i was intro’d to the everyone everyday initiative a few weeks ago.. resonating for sure.
i think the capabilities of tech make the dunbar number a horse of a different color.. changing up the 150 daily.. multi dimensionally.. equitably..
so many initiatives so close.. but missing that piece.. the mech to augment or interconnections.. and ground the chaos of truly free people.


tech as it could be..


from community solutions to loneliness epidemic via shareable:


All the research says that it is the participation itself which is impactful — and that’s what we’re finding, says Nat Defriend.

actually.. participation in the thing you can’t not do.. key.. otherwise.. just spinning wheels

begs curiosity (where’s my insatiable itch today) over decision making (ie: what should i participate in)

Defriend is keen to emphasise that each of the growing legion of Every One, Every Day projects are genuine peer-to-peer collaborations. “It’s not one resident donating their time to another who needs it — which would be the charity model — and it’s not a commercial transaction, for profit,” he says. “It’s a genuinely mutual endeavor, shared between the residents. And that’s why it works.”

great.. but unless starts w/in each person .. everyday.. it won’t keep on working.. so begs a mech to listen to every voice.. first thing.. every day.. as it could be..


find/follow everyone everyday:

link twitter

Neighbourhoods made by everyone, for everyone. Barking and Dagenham.  Brought to you by Participatory City Foundation 


teamed w participatory cities
