the death of us

on issuu:


slaves/whales = dead.. because st\ripped of context


page originally inspired by 2 min video below

a a a redefine

via unwanted stress

more youth voices:


Instead of embracing the diversity of the human mind, we have stigmatized the very differences that are so characteristic of humans. 

The DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) declared war on the introverts, and the educationally challenged among others and has attempted to define what a normal human should be. An extroverted individual who works well with people, progresses well in conventional schooling, and will succeed in a conventional job.

The saddest part is that the majority of students don’t have the opportunity to reflect as I did. The majority of students are put through the same brainwashing techniques in order to create a complacent labor force working in the interests of large corporations and secretive government, and worst of all, they are completely unaware of it. I will never be able to turn back these 18 years. I can’t run away to another country with an education system meant to enlighten rather than condition. This part of my life is over, and I want to make sure that no other child will have his or her potential suppressed by powers meant to exploit and control. We are human beings. We are thinkers, dreamers, explorers, artists, writers, engineers. We are anything we want to be – but only if we have an educational system that supports us rather than holds us down. A tree can grow, but only if its roots are given a healthy foundation.

Less than three years ago, I graduated high school. I was a driven student who scored a 100 per cent average, served as the students’ council president and class valedictorian, earned over 16 scholarships/awards, etc. The bottom line is that I was a high achiever, but I mistakenly defined achievement in a way most do: with my GPA. It was only until a couple of years ago, when I began to question my own educational career, that I realized something profound: The academic portion of my high school life was spent in the wrong way, with cloudy motivations. I treated schooling and education synonymously. I had been directed not by my inner voice, but by societal pressures that limited my ability to foster personal creativity.

The system teaches us that if you get ‘As’ across the board, you’ll be successful. And if you fail a course, you’ll be labelled incompetent or hopeless. These pressures force students to regard education as a mere schooling tenure where the goal is to input a sufficient amount of work to output the highest possible grades. We sacrifice learning for schooling. One of my professors once said, “Writing exams isn’t a measure of intelligence or knowledge, it’s about getting inside your prof’s head to figure out what’ll be on the exam.”

suffocating from the day

supposed to’s of school/work

I just figured out that I make myself or decide that I’m sick, because being sick in my room is the only way I get space and time to think for myself.

James Bach – as a kid in school on grades

See that 94 in nith-grade science? I barely attended that class. Most days, I skipped it and played in the computer lab instead. I went to science class each Friday to take the test, which was a weak mix of vocabulary words and multiple-choice questions about basic facts of nature. Even thought I turned in no homework, passing such tests was apparently enough to get a good grade.

See that 49 in tenth-grade physics? Looks like a low score, doesn’t it? But I loved physics. I studied it at home. I made drawings of spaceships and calculated how fast they could go and how long it would take them to reach Alpha Centauri. I taught myself to use a sliderule and calculated trajectories of rockets that put space stations into orbit, the centrifugal forces on those space stations and the energy of meteoroids that might strike them in orbit.

But none of that was part of my schoolwork. So it didn’t count.

quiet enough

It involves trusting people to become something wonderful, as opposed to insisting that they fit in at all costs. 

It involves being honest about what we hear when we lean in, what is real, and what isn’t.

It’s about being public enough, people-minded enough, to lean in to the beauty of each and every soul. Because we can. And because meeting people there ..keeps us all in alive-ness.

to this day project quote


this happens too often: multiple levels, between multiple peoples.let’s not push our fears (but flaring up our control feathers) on ones that are bravely trying to make the shift we all crave..


the death of us – suffocating from the day – et al

when you’re in a space and you feel like you don’t belong (w/o compromising your fittingness by playing all the supposed to ness of polite smiles et al) – depression

when you feel like you don’t belong in all the spaces – suicide

searching for a cure

cure ios city


Kevin Breel – i suffer from depression.


these children are our future


are we good with how we are schooling the world?

Peter Gray

from Peter..

peter gray post

Cevin Soling

The average high school kid today has the same level of anxiety as the average psychiatric patient in the early 1950s.”

Peter Moskowitz

cure city

dis order


perhaps – a people experiment

[betting on the sync-ness]

a way to fix ed – via Peter Gray

[betting on not missing it/us]


karoshi – death by overwork


just in time learning


via Bernd rt:

Conrad Hackett (@conradhackett) tweeted at 2:37 PM – 23 Jul 2018 :
We worry about the wrong things. Exhibit A: #SharkWeek
People killed annually by

Sharks 10
Elephants 100
Hippos 500
Snails 10,000
Dogs 25,000
Snakes 50,000
People 475,000
Mosquitoes 725,000 (


Luke Gromen (@LukeGromen) tweeted at 6:44 AM – 29 Nov 2018 :
70k died of drug O/D’s in 2017. Combined w/this week’s Economist article showing the US’ suicide rate continues to rise even as the global average falls, it suggests something is very out of order in the US. (




