the rules

the rules.png

incremental change is no longer enough

for (blank)’s sake

intro’d via Alnoor – Co-founder, Executive Director – the rules

also: Martin Kirk and Joe Brewer


find/follow/change the rules:

link twitter

The Rules is a global movement to bring power back to people, to change the rules that create inequality and poverty around the world.



a nother way

ie: hosting life bits . . via self talk as data
we can.. so we can’t not..
for (blank)’s sake



@rustyrockets thought you’d appreciate this –…

why we are here.. find each other


Calling all activists looking for community & organising tactics. FIVE DAYS LEFT TO APPLY for the #ActivistAshram:

There’s a system to be dismantled and remade.

We must delegitimize the current system and help build the better world we know is possible.


@yanisvaroufakis#Capitalism in a nutshell… – would love to know what you think!

money used to be about you and me


thinking not


Growth or Life?  Brilliant new video from the team at @TheRulesOrg
Original Tweet:

prioritize growth or prioritize life.. we can’t do both


via email aug 2019

Dear comrades, allies and family,

As many of you know, The Rules (TR) is closing down this December as part of our planned dissolution.

TR was conceived in a pre-Arab Uprising, pre-Occupy world. It grew out of a deep frustration with the failure of NGOs and politics-as-usual to identify and address the deep, structural drivers of poverty, inequality and ecological breakdown – the three overriding and interwoven challenges of our age. We were done with tinkering around the edges. As the social movements of 2011 unfolded, it became clear that many others were done with tinkering too.

In 2012, The Rules set out to better understand the dominant cultural narratives around poverty, inequality and ecological breakdown. We knew that we needed better tools and methods to seed and grow new narratives – ones that would draw attention to the root causes; that would expose the cultural assumptions of neoliberal capitalism and its logic of separation, hyper-consumption and infinite material growth; and instead strengthen the intrinsic values that bring people together: solidarity, interdependence, generosity and symbiosis with our living planet.

The result, after 8 years of trial and error, is a model for data-driven narrative campaigning that we believe has a track record, and even more potential, to make substantive contributions to evolving and improving narrative work.

The focus of TR’s work has been on hacking the dominant cultural narratives in order to create spaces for alternative narratives to emerge. “Culture hacking” has become a method, practice and a growing community.

We are seeing, supporting and amplifying the wide-spread adoption of these practices and tools around the world. As part of this work, we have hosted a series of workshops – Culture Hack Lives – in places such as Greece, England, South Africa, Mexico and Guatemala to support the next cadre of “meme warriors” from various social justice movements.

This work will continue in new and different ways.
