heart wants


most of words from slidedeck:

1\ the heart wants what it wants

2\ rather.. the heart has no clue what it wants..

3\ under our current (since forever) conditions.. the heart responds/repeats/whalespeaks.. via its    efficiently/violent conditioning

4\ we need a legit global detox in order to let the heart want what it legit wants/craves

5\ need 1st/most: means to undo hierarchical listening as global detox/reset so we can org around legit needs

6\ imagine if we listen to the itch-in-8b-souls 1st thing everyday & use that data to connect us (tech as it could be.. ai as augmenting interconnectedness as nonjudgmental expo labeling)

7\ nonjudgmental exponential  labeling to uncloud/uncover/restore what the heart legit wants

8\ until then.. listening to any/all whale hearts  is a cancerous distraction

9\ because

10\ most people are other people

11\ and

12\ none of us will be free (legit us) as long as one of us is still chained (not-us)

13\ there is a nother way for 8b people to live/dance/listen

14\ today we have the means to let go of all those assumptions.. we have the means to undo our hierarchical listening (to self/others/nature).. so that we can hear/see/grok the essence of human being..

15\ and we’re missing it




dickinson heart law

the little prince – see with your heart et al


