costello screen\service law

it's most unethical

costello screen\service law: ‘it’s most unethical to screen people for a condition if you don’t have the services in place to treat them’ jane costello


from q&a (1:09) at a panel at univ of michigan 2012 focussed on depression on college campuses.


warning ness



resonating to me (jan 2014 – when i was first intro’d to Jane) – as i had resigned (july 2013) from district..  feeling i/we had experimented enough on live people (among other things). and that next steps perhaps.. should/could entail those services (that mechanism) in place .. ie: rather than ongoing flapping about what’s wrong… yet leaving people with not enough spaces of permission to act on it… with enough other people.. et al.

so.. resigning from the institution ness to work 100% on the systemic ness..  ie: vision versions for those services..




adding this page had me thinking a lot about chronological order (and blockchain ness) and how yes.. it can be important.. but it also perhaps compromises or changes or whatevers us. the details of it. like yes.. we log time maps.. but only with what is visible/speakable/loggable… then we assume that’s law or deteremined et al. i just think chronological logging can misguide/misrepresent/etc us.

ie: i had remembered this insight from jane happening closer to july .. but its influence on me.. perhaps goes beyond/before jane 2014 encounter. like – where my mind was by jan to hear it.. who/how were previous significant resonations logged. and since they weren’t.. are they not significant. i don’t think we think they aren’t…  but our practices.. our obsessions with logging/chronology perhaps.. perpetuates what we value… allow to control/define us.


also resonating:

i felt i was telling (ocean) how it was going to die w/no cure. so i quit academia to work on a solution @Enric_Sala#2030NOW


on the why of the unethical ness

scary how many people have come to the reasonable conclusion that it’s better to be fake and fit in rather than be real and lonely
Original Tweet:


with something so big


for (blank)’s sake










this law so very poignant.. as deep felt watching others in pain/loss and feeling it myself daily. i guess first strong pang was in the tech building.. esp the kids spending half day there. the freedom.. the soaring.. and yet the longing/yearning .. for their friends/tribe to be joining them. then more so in the be you house.. esp with kids spending whole day. again.. so free.. yet so partial. seeing these spaces of permission with nothing to prove.. yet filled/emptied with the poverty of the not complete – the absence of shalom ness. elated that you can do the thing you can’t not do.. but lacking the most crucial piece/peace.. doing it with your people.. seeing/being with your family/friends who are free as well. none of us are free if one of us is chained. that torture keeps us all living in the world of supposed to’s. no? be/cause – at least there.. we are together. and oh my. for me..this was the point of resignation.. of the letting go of the people.. so they could go back to where the people are today.. back to the busyness to the productivity. until the day.. we can all leap.. together.. to a nother way to live. mechanism in sight. dear god.