
people grid mar 16



We *are were experimenting with a grid of people, because there are so many involved. Once  you get to the people site (by clicking on image above or link below) … you should see a full screen of photos, you need to scroll down, scroll bar on right, so that all the 500+ photos load. Once all photos are loaded.. along the top find drop down options..

drop down

click on Label… and you should see the tiles move into groups, the people listed above gathered first – as a contact. Then we’ve grouped others into local & global lab people [meaning they are experimenting with us]; local & global advisors [meaning they are feeding us great insight]; and virtual advisors/authors [people we may have met or may not have, but their work has influenced us greatly]; and then virtual organizations we are connected to.

To check this out, click on people or the grid of people above.


disclaimer: there is no way to attribute/include everyone. we have included some incredible people. we have left off some incredible people.

open system – no way to tell  how many members, no one knows, because no one is keeping tabs. constantly mutating, flexible, equal. – Rod Beckstrom & Ori Brafman, The Starfish & The Spider

that’s the best news ever… people means everyone. including and especially

you.png .


none of us are free


*update – the people page on the blogger site is now really too big to show the functionality we describe above. with so many – it takes so long to load.. and then when you do load and hit label – you can’t see all the groupings on your screen at the same time.

so mostly adding people pages to this wordpress site – you can find people alphabetically under: grokking, or with the search button (top right of site).

hoping to get people/connections on a brain via an app (for all) soon..


note: this site as prototype/output/my (never just me) brain, to model documenting everything and nothing ness..via chip ness that uses self-talk as data …part of an ongoing experiment

in regard to functionality.. and life.. i’m dreaming of a dance an io/zoom dance ness.

a nother way for 8b people to live.. to leap to.. for (blank)’s sake
