carson laziness law

‘Their laziness becomes an indicator of their independence of the wage.’ – kevin carson

carson laziness law: ‘Their laziness becomes an indicator of their independence of the wage.’ – kevin carson

laziness et al


from kevin‘s communal property (2011):

A central theme running through all Enclosure advocacy in the eighteenth century was that “commoners were lazy.” And their very obsession with this “problem” is itself an indication of the economic significance of the commons.

They used laziness as a term of moral disapproval. But what they meant was that commoners were not always available for farmers to employ. We might ask why were they unavailable?…. In fact… every commoner was lazy, whether wages were high or not. This suggests that they refused to work because they could live without wages, or regular wages.

Their laziness becomes an indicator of their independence of the wage.

And the degree of frustration critics felt when they saw this laziness may be a guide to how well commoners could do without it.128

this.. after showing how they (those in control) were ..

motivated not so much by a desire to improve the efficiency of cultivation and animal husbandry, as by a desire to improve the efficiency of extracting labor from the rural population. Advocates for enclosure were explicitly motivated, in part, by the prediction of “complete wage dependence.

earn a living ness

money as os





whimsy, wanderingmind wandering, wildness, wilderness, play, .. matter.

museum of care room of idleness []




