kio stark

kio stark bw

A gracefully executed quit is a beautiful thing, opening up more doors than it closes.

as posted on dmlcentral via Howard Rheingold:

In Pursuit of In(ter)dependent Learning: Kio Stark from DML Research Hub on Vimeo.

8 min in – all they really need is the validation – that other people are learning this way…

one of the best places you will find future job is from the community you are connecting to

10:45 in – Howard saying – your book is like a keyhole into this opportunity

13 min in – perceptions of rigor – teaching as a feedback loop

When I want to learn how to do something, I can find a video, an Instructable, a blog post, a peer-learning platform. Schooling is still essential for many – perhaps for most – but for independent learners, tools we didn’t dream of a generation ago are available through the nearest web-connected device.

kio stark site

the lovely Audrey Watters on Kio’s book


notes from kindle/amazon:

notes from kio stark

and a great review via Maria :


feb ted2016

In “Why you should talk to strangers”, @kiostark makes a beautiful case for seeing the humanity of others. Do watch:…

i’m obsessed with talking to strangers.. unexpected pleasures.. generous emotional connections..

in many parts of the world were taught that strangers are dangerous by default.. so instead of using our perceptions/making choices.. we use this category of stranger…

2 huge benefits to using our senses instead of our fears..

1\ it liberates us...using perceptions instead of categories.. easier said than done.. categories is a shortcut our brains use.. means we’re not thinking about people as individuals..

2\ leads to a feeling of fleeting intimacy.. fleeting with emotional resonance and feeling.. people often say they feel more comfortable communicating with strangers… shows just how significant these interactions can be..

why stranger interaction does this

1\ quick interaction.. no consequences

2\ have a bias when it comes to people we’re close to.. we expect them to understand us.. read our minds

rules for talking to strangers..

in most of us – balance between civility and privacy  – civil inattention

in other cultures – ie: denmark – don’t interact at all; egypt – rude to ignore a strangers

we see these unwritten rules most clearly when they’re broken..

find someone who is making eye contact.. smile..  triangulation comment.. noticing/complementing..  talk to dog/baby as social conduit… disclosure – very vulnerable/rewarding.. we tend to meet disclosure with disclosure..

making beautiful interruptions into expected narrative of everyday life..

rev of everyday life.. a nother way

we could reject all the ideas that make us so suspicious of each other

danger of single story ness

find/follow Kio:
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“I think we need to start using our interactions with strangers to create what I’ll call fleeting alliances.”…

People who aren’t like you and who you don’t know exist for you only as categories. Abstractions. People who are different than you who you meet in physical space and talk with – not at – are individuals. The more we can have contact with people who aren’t like us, the more we are challenged, invited, required to see them as humans, as specific individuals with a context. Hate breeds on seeing people as categories and abstractions.

nationality: human