aaron regunberg

aaron regunberg bw

Aaron is a youth organizer for idea:

idea youth site

Aaron Regunberg is the co-founder of Hope United, a school-based student organizing group active in Providence whose mission is to help high school students utilize their shared power to improve their schools and push student voice into the city and state’s education decisions. Through Hope United, he teaches a political consciousization curriculum and facilitates the organization’s youth-led direct action campaigns. Aaron is also active in electoral organizing in Providence and Rhode Island, as well as an ongoing campaign to tax the state’s wealthy at higher rates. And he is in his senior year at Brown University, where he studies American Politics.

experiment, a little

testing adults:


In Providence, R.I. on Saturday, several dozen state legislators, city officials, professors and others sat down for several hours at a library to take a standardized test that was created from actual questions off of the New England Common Assessment Program, or NECAP.

results… even before the test results:


The City Council’s education committee is asking the Rhode Island Department of Education to abandon using the New England Common Assessment Program as a requirement for high school graduation.

test results:


According to RIDE’s scoring guidelines, 4 of these 50 people would have scored ‘proficient with distinction,’ 7 would have scored ‘proficient,’ 9 would have scored ‘partially proficient,’ and 30 individuals—or 60%—would have scored ‘substantially below proficient,’ meaning they did not get a high enough score to receive a diploma.

raised eyebrow happening:


As a style of public argument, this is highly effective, especially if salted with a pinch of condescension. It typically has the effect of shutting down debate right there because after all, who are you to question authority so?

Dana’s write-up about this on the IDEA site: http://www.democraticeducation.org/index.php/blog/article/take_the_test_action_in_providence/

amazing conversations. what are we thinking? no?


find/follow Aaron here:


Aaron is the executive director of Providence Student Union, started in 2010:

providence student union site

here’s a bit about Hope United:

hope united site

Aaron shares on fb april 2014:

aaron r on april 3